Your kit contains the following parts. Please check your kit for any missing or damaged parts before starting construction.
Wood Bag:
1 LC-503-01
3/32"x4"x24" Laser Cut Balsa Sheet
1 LC-503-02
3/32"x4"x24" Laser Cut Balsa Sheet
1 LC-503-03
3/32"x4"x24" Laser Cut Balsa Sheet
1 LC-503-04
3/32"x4"x24" Laser Cut Balsa Sheet
1 LC-503-05
3/32"x3"x12" Laser Cut Balsa Sheet
1 LC-503-06
3/32"x3"x12" Laser Cut Balsa Sheet
1 LC-503-07
3/32"x3"x12" Laser Cut Balsa Sheet
1 LC-503-08
3mmx4"x24" Laser Cut Poplar Ply
1 LC-503-09
1/16"x3"x4 1/2" Laser Cut Birch Ply
6 Leading Edge and Spars
1/4" sq.x24" Balsa Strip
4 Leading Edge Stringers
3/32" sq.x24" Balsa Strip
1 Wing Tips
3/4" Balsa Trianglex13"
4 Trailing Edge
1/16"x1"x24" Balsa Sheet
2 Center Section Sheet
1/16"x3"x12" Balsa Sheet
1 Hatch Support & Servo
1/4" sq.x12" Spruce
2 Control Surface Pushrod
1/16"x18" Wire, Threaded One End
2 Throttle and Nose Gear
1/16"x10" Wire, Threaded One End
Misc. Parts Loose in Box
1 Plan Sheet #1
1 Plan Sheet #2
1 Decal Sheet
1 Instruction Book
2 Main Landing Gear
Hardware Bag
2 Control Horn
Small Nylon Control Horn
4 Horn Screw
2-56x3/8" Machine Screw
1 Elevator Joiner
1/8"x3" Birch Dowel
5 Main Landing Gear and
Hatch Screw
#2 Sheet Metal Screw
4 Nylon Clevis
Small Nylon Clevis
2 Wing Dowels
3/16"x3 1/2" Dowels
Nose Landing Gear Bag
1 Nose Gear Wire
3/32" Pre-Bent Wire
1 Nose Gear Bearing
Molded Nylon Bearing Block
1 Steering Collar
3/32" Collar
1 Steering Arm
2-56x1/2" Threaded Stud
1 Steering Arm Fitting
Molded Nylon Fitting
4 Mounting Screws
2-56x3/8" Machine Screws
4 Mounting Nuts
2-56 Nuts