4) The two elevator halves are now joined. We suggest using
15-minute epoxy for this step. Apply glue to the two joiner slots at
the inboard leading edge ends of each stabilizer half. Use a small
diameter piece of wire or a pin to also apply glue into the joiner
holes in each elevator half. Press the wire elevator joiner in place
into each elevator half and quickly remove any excess glue. Place
the elevator assembly on a flat work surface, protected with wax
paper. Use a straightedge to align the elevator leading edges with
each other, as shown. Allow the glue to fully cure before handling.
5) In preparation for accurately gluing the tail group to the
fuselage, first mount the wing to the fuselage using the two
M4 x 30 mm nylon wing bolts.
Without using any glue, slip the fin/stabilizer assembly into the fin
slot at the top rear of the fuselage. With the airplane on a flat
surface and with the tail raised to approximately level, stand back
and sight the model from the rear. What you want to see is the
horizontal stabilizer perfectly level with the wings and the vertical
fin sitting at 90
upright. If the stabilizer tilts one way or the other,
lightly sand the bare wood on the bottom of the fin on the side that
is low, until the stabilizer aligns properly. Once satisfied with the fit
and alignment, remove the fin/stabilizer assembly from the
6) Lightly coat the bare wood gluing surfaces on both sides of
the fin with SIG Super-Weld white glue. Then, lightly coat both
sides of the fin slot in the fuselage, again with white glue. Carefully
slide the fin into the fuselage slot and wipe off any excess glue with
a wet paper towel. As before, check, and then, double check the
alignment. The trailing edge of the fin is in alignment with the
fuselage tail post, the horizontal stabilizer is perfectly level with the
wings and the vertical fin is sitting at 90
. If needed, a strip of
masking tape can be used to hold proper alignment while the glue
Once the glue has dried, remove the wing from the fuselage.
carefully cut the covering about 1/32" below the line just drawn.
Remove the covering, exposing the wood.
2) Insert the stabilizer into the slot in the vertical fin until the
trailing edge of the stabilizer is about 1/16" forward of the trailing
edge of the fin. Again, use a sharp, soft pencil to mark the top and
bottom stabilizer intersection lines onto each side of the vertical fin
and the top and bottom of the stabilizer, where it intersects the
rudder. Remove the stabilizer. Use a sharp #11 blade to carefully
remove the covering from each side of the fin and stabilizer,
between the two lines - make these cut lines about 1/32" inside of
the drawn lines and use only enough pressure to cut through the
covering, not the wood. Remove the covering to expose the wood
3) The vertical fin and horizontal stabilizer are now glued
together, accurately squared to one another, as shown. We highly
recommend the use of SIG Super-Weld white glue for this step
because it allows a little working time, dries clear, and provides a
very strong bond. If needed, a strip of tape works well to hold
these parts in the properly squared position.