Barometric Damper
Install the barometric tee pipe with the front flap facing fore and aft. In order
for the barometric to work efficiently it must be installed between 12” and
24” from the top of the heater.
We have 2 options for installing the barometric damper into your chimney.
You can either have the barometric attached to a 22” stainless pipe to be the
first piece of pipe of your chimney off the top of the heater or you can use a
7” piece of pipe that you can fit into your chimney 12” to 24” from the top
of the heater.
Part# 16-001: 3” x 22” stainless pipe with barometric
Part# 16-010: 3” x 7” stainless pipe with barometric
The barometric damper should be installed in oil and solid fuel heaters and
stoves. The purpose is to maintain a strong draft without causing too much
air to the “fuel to air” mixture. When the damper is adjusted, the draft is
altered by allowing air to be pulled into the chimney by the air inlet on the
damper and not pulled into the burner. This gives you more control. Having
a barometric allows you to burn your heater at lower temperatures giving
you the control to adjust the draft once the fuel is adjusted to ensure a clean
To adjust the flap on the barometric, back off the jam nut and turn the
counterweight so the flap is standing closed. Once the heater has been
burning for some time and the room temperature is starting to rise, it is a
good time to do the adjustment. Adjust the counterweight so the flap starts to
open (aprox 6mm or ¼”). This will allow air to enter the barometric tee and
reduce the air entering the combustion chamber.