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Control Unit P
The control unit processes the signals acquired from individual LCP+ line modules to which all
DSP+ and LIP+ modules are connected. It evaluates the events of the individual detectors based on
an internal algorithm and subsequently controls related actions, inputs switching, camera control and
sending data into the SW superstructures.
The CUP+ control unit is equipped with several external control and communication modules.
There are OC-type outputs which are freely programmable and can be used for purposes such as
basic system status indication. The outputs use semi-conductor switches. It is not recommended to
use higher switching voltage than that used to power the CUP+ unit or current consumption
exceeding 250 mA.
The evaluation unit is placed inside a plastic casing suitable for installation on a DIN rail. For
exterior environment, it has to be provided with appropriate IP protection.
CUP+ Control Unit
CUP+ top view