Sierra S5030 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 43

Содержание S5030

Страница 1: ...Using Your Security System With LEDKeypad s5030 EflT...

Страница 2: ...o c o g o o Section E Qurcr Guioe E Arm no E overvrew E uirabe E r a rilsfi idupH i nEi f Ararms E n iliUilt i I tr System Souncis I sv te u ni e tiailb E h I E Fite selsii iiu ltrot r nt...

Страница 3: ...rmation See nexpage Numeric Keys Used toenter codes and perform otherfunctions Emergency Keys Pushonceto notifyyour monitoringstationof an emergency Keys must be pre programmed SecondaryFunction Keys...

Страница 4: ...f a problemexistswhich may preventarming ServiceLED f on a systemcomponent is malfunctioning and mayneedservice f o4 all systemcompo nentsarenormal ZONES o o 4 5 o o 12 13 1 o ienvrce 9 o 1 1 o o 7 E...

Страница 5: ...owyouto remaininsidewhilethe systemis armed In addition anarmingmethodmayallowsome persons to leave whileothersremaininthe building Requiresuser code Notallmethodsrequirea usercode Automaticallyarms Y...

Страница 6: _X_ Perimeterarmed _X_ Exitallowed _X_ Requiresusercode _x_ Automatically arms _ No entryallowed_ Arming When your systemis armed withfullarming boththeperim eter and interiorzones are armed Youar...

Страница 7: ...or moreindividuals can leavethe building duringthe exitdelay Quick Home Arming ll your system is pro g r a m m e d f o r q u i c k home arming you do not needto entera usercode To Home Armthe System...

Страница 8: ...systemis pro grammed for quickin stantarming you do not need to entera usercode Instant Home Arming Interior armed Perimeterarmed Exit allowed Requiresuser code Automatically arms No entry allowed x _...

Страница 9: ...ce Then the exitdelaybe gins Youmustleavethe building duringthe exitdelay or an alarm sounds Youcancancelthe armingsequence by entering yourcodeduring the exitdelay Tochangethe daysandtimesthatarminga...

Страница 10: ...l Arming Press theredEBM lkey followed bythegrey key ToArmwithHome Arming Press theredFRMlkey followed bythegrey l key ToDisarm Press thegreen lDlSAFlMl key Thisontyworks when thekeyfob isprogrammed t...

Страница 11: ...lockoutmaynotaffectdis arming Keyswitch Arming Thisaccessory Sierra55051 allowsyouto armanddisarmthesystemwitha key Followthe instructions pro videdwiththeswitch Quick Exit This optionallowsyouto exit...

Страница 12: ...h the keypad andwitha monitoring station through a telephone link Eachregionmonitoredbya sensor orgroupof sensors is known as a zone Most zoneswill triggeran alarmonlywhen the sys tem is armed Otherse...

Страница 13: ...thealarm Alarmsounds vary lf your systemis programmedfor silentalarms no sirens sound A messageis sent to the keypadand if connected to the monitoring station The keypadblinks its LEDs fast Personnel...

Страница 14: ...curitysystemcan be programmedfor a learningperiod thatcan lastfrom oneto 31 days Referto Section12 to see if this learningperiodwas programmed intoyoursystem Duringthe learningperiod your systemdoestw...

Страница 15: ...nt to remember yourusercode andto keepitsecret Everyindividual who has a usercode is alsoassigneda two digit user number Whenyou changeor deletea usercode you are askedforthe usernumber Howto Entera U...

Страница 16: the orocedure bvoressino andhold insthe eAfrdETl ke y forzsec onds Besureto recordthe usercodes andkeeptheserecords inasafe place To Change a User Code O Press and hold th l_e l 1u t prg keyfor2se...

Страница 17: ...3 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 3 5 3 i5i 8 3 5ii7i 3 5 78 3 j56 3 56ri8 3 567 3 5678 34 tj 34 8 34 7 5 1 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 34 78 3 4 6 3 4 6 8 34 67 34 67g 345t r 345 8 345 7 345 78 3456 F I E l o l...

Страница 18: followedby an X are featuresof the user code Master User Code Standard Code _X_ Optional Code_ ActiveCertainDays Times _ Themaster usercanarmanddisarm thesystem andcanmake other changes such asdisa...

Страница 19: ...oucanchangeor delete like any otherusercode For systemswithoutmultipleareas the codeis assigned to usernumber15 A relaycodeactslikea switch Whenyouenterthiscode a device that is connected to the contr...

Страница 20: ...h code lf theydo notenterthe codeby a giventime yourmonitoring station notifies you IMPORTANT TheKidwatchcode mustbeenteredeverydaythatthe code is active This istrueeven if yoursystemis disarmed Chang...

Страница 21: ...the system Thestepsto turnKidwatch on is the sameas the stepsto turn it off lf you turn Kidwatchon or off it remainsthatway untilyou changeit back Kidwatch Setup See Section 12 for the specificsof how...

Страница 22: ...n the MaidCodeisactive themaidcan disarmthe systemby entering theMaidCode Uponleavingthe building the maid can arm the system by enteringthe same code The maiddoes not have to leavethebuilding bya spe...

Страница 23: ...back Maid Daysand Times Forthe specificsof howthe MaidCode was set up on yoursystem see Section12 ToThrnMaidCodeOn Off G pressandholdtrreEI maid keyfor2 seconds The keypadbeepstwice G Enter masteruser...

Страница 24: ...hatyou select a user number with theprivilegesyou want that user to have Yourinstaller shouldhaveprovided youwithspecificinformation about howyoursystemwasconfigured Referto thisinformation to select...

Страница 25: ...If so it will beepfasterwhenless than l0 seconds remains r Enterffi EntryDelays Similar to an exitdelay an entrydelayisthetimeyouareallowed to enterthe building walkto the keypad andentera usercode b...

Страница 26: ...ndles thesezonesinoneof the following threeways ForceArming With ForceArming the systemarms eveniffaultedortroublezonesarepresent Anyfaulted or troublezonesthatexistat the endof the exitdelav are bypa...

Страница 27: ...bypass a 24 hour zone such as a glassbreakdetector that zone remainsbypassed untilyoure storeit However if you manu allybypassa zonewhichis not a24 hourzone thatzoneis re storedwhen you disarmthe sys...

Страница 28: ...user can by passanyzone To Bypass a Zone with Quick Bypassing When a zoneis faulted thezone sLED is on To bypassthe zone press theIBwassI key Enter theiwp ligit zone number fl 3fl For zones1 9 entera...

Страница 29: ...rm is aboutto occur Fivesecondsafteran alarmis canceled thesystemrevertsto normal Resetting AfteranAlarm Yoursystemneedsto be reset after an alarm including fire alarms Thisactionclearsthe keypad sdis...

Страница 30: ...edwindowsand doors are closed Shutthe exitdoorcompletely 5 Regularlytest and maintainyour system Routine testingandmaintenance willhelpyoudetecta systemmal functionearly SeeSection9 for moreinformatio...

Страница 31: ...untilyou entera specialresetcode This code isgivento you by your monitoring station Beforegiving you the code monitoring stationpersonnel will ask you to reaJ the patternof lit LEDsthat appearson your...

Страница 32: ...rstdia gram shows how a building could be dividedto includea commonarea Each system user is assigned rightsto certainareas Users can onlyarmanddisarmthose areasto whichtheyhaverights Whena buildingis...

Страница 33: ...aboutthe otherar eas 2 Keypadsmay respond dif ferently depending upon where they are located and how they are programmed Whilea keypadin a common area can be used to arm and disarmanypartition or get...

Страница 34: or makeother changeswithinan area Userscan have rightsto morethanonearea lfyourbuilding isdivided intoareas yoursystemmayalsorecognize oneor allof theseoptionalusercodetypes Area Maid Code MaidDays...

Страница 35: ...dintoonlytwo or threeareas codesreserved forthe remaining areasdo notapply No Reserved User 01 1 1 1 2 1 3 t o 1 7 1 9 20 z l 23 24 25 MasterUser Kidwatch Area1 Master Area 1 Maid Area1 Duress Area2 M...

Страница 36: ...Arming and Disarming YourLED keypadcan be usedto arm and disarmits assignedarea only Youcannotdisarm otherareasfrom the LED keypad Bypassing You can use the LED keypadto bypass only thosezoneswithinth...

Страница 37: ...mes When you open a protected door or window you hear a warning chime Thechimecon sistsof threebeeps Youcan turnthe chimeson or off by followingthe instructions to the right lf the chimesare on thisac...

Страница 38: ...enter usercodesand commandscorrectlv lt cannotbe shutoff ErrorTone lf you makea mistakeenteringa command you heara beepthat laststhreeseconds Afterthe beep re enter thecommand OkayTone Whenyou entera...

Страница 39: ...n walk test mode Then walkinfrontofmo tionsensors andopenprotected doorsand windows Eachtime a sensordetects yourpresence the keypadbeepsand the ap propriate zoneLEDlights lf yoursystemfailsto respond...

Страница 40: ...the building is receiving power thencallfor service ZoneLEDis steadilylit A zoneis faulted systemcannotlully arm Correctthe fault byclosingdoors andwindows or bypassthe zone A sensormayneed service t...

Страница 41: o o o o o o o o A keypadis missing PhoneLine2 notworking lf lineisfunctioning callmonitoring station Itnot callteleohone companyfor service o o a o The external bellneeds service a o o o Self diagn...

Страница 42: ...SpreadNet transmitter battery isabout tofail o o o o A SpreadNet keypadbattery is aboutto fail o o o o Thecontrol panel s banery islow lf therehasbeena recentpower outage allowthe batteryto re chargeo...

Страница 43: ...installed in a central location nearthebedrooms Innewconstruction a smoke detectormustbe installed in eachbedroom Smokedetectors shouldalsobe installed in livingrooms closets utilig andstoragerooms b...

Страница 44: ...ethosebelow postcopiesof the escapeplan in each room Keepescaperoutesfree from obstruc_ tions q r o l i RooM I L l I r hrffiml HI fl rl T BED 0 oo I FIRSTFLOOR smoky staylowtothe ground Crawland holdy...

Страница 45: ...g Period days Begins O Checkif installed c p A Maid Code Quick Bypassing O Kidwatch Code Quick Exit _Duress Code ExitTermination Automatic Arming Extended ExitDelay _Automatic Disarming _Reset Code Ou...

Страница 46: ...rough EntryDelay 2 _enter throuoh AutomaticArmingDays circle S M T W Th F S _ KeyswitchArming Maid Days circle S M Kidwatch Days circle S KidwatchTimes Exit Delay CancelAlarmTime Automatic Arming Time...

Страница 47: ...o o a Below is a space to sketchhow the buildingis zoned and or dividedintoareas Be sureto notehowthezonesand orareas are numbered and labeled...

Страница 48: ...ntactyou afteran alarm Wheneveryou speakwith monitoring stationpersonnel besureto haveyouraccount number s andpass wordavailable Account Number Area1 Area2 Area3 Area4 Area5 Area 6 AreaT Area 8 Passwo...
