Operation and Configuration Guide 3.14
Configure the 802.1x settings and click Save to save the changes. For
information on each setting see
Configure the LAN APs: navigate to LAN > Access Points and click on
Configure under the Actions column for each access point listed:
Figure 6-3: Defining a LAN WiFi Access Point
Modify the AP settings if required and click Save. See
page 80 for detailed information about each setting.
6.2 Configuring LAN Segments
By default, the oMG comes preconfigured with one LAN segment called Default
LAN on which all factory enabled LAN links operate. Ethernet links can only be
assigned to one segment while a WiFi link can be used across multiple segments
when configured with additional BSSIDs (maximum of three).
LAN segmentation and the process of adding LAN segments, is used for
advanced networking scenarios when LAN traffic from different devices must not
be partitioned (e.g. when public internet access is made available for WiFi users
while private onboard equipment hooked up to the oMG's Ethernet ports must not
be accessible by WiFi users). The creation of multiple LAN segments can also be
useful for specifying different network policies or routing rules on each segment.
Before deploying an oMG, it's important to review how the LAN segment(s) are
configured on the unit to ensure that network traffic visibility remains as secure as
To add or configure LAN segments:
Navigate to LAN > LAN Segments.
To add a new LAN segment, click the Add New LAN Segment button. To
modify an existing LAN segment, locate the subnet to be configured and click
Configure in the Actions column.
Figure 6-4: Configuring or adding a segment