Page 54
Issue 5
6.6.3 MOVA Advanced Config Screen
MOVA Password
Alpha-numeric string defining the MOVA logon password, controlling access to
the MOVA user interface. Default avomin. The password is not case sensitive.
MOVA Error Threshold for MF Bit
MOVA error count required to set the UTC MF reply bit. Range 1 to 50, default
20. Applies to each MOVA stream.
MOVASIM Compatibility
Set this value to 123 to enable operation with TRL MOVASIM via the Semi-
Integral controller serial interface. Any other value will select normal operation.
For Siemens engineering use only.
MOVA Output Priority
Priority of the MOVA force bits, relative to other force bits such as those from
UTC. Range 0 to 50, with 50 being the highest priority. The default is 30. Where
a UTC MO bit is configured, this priority should be set higher than UTC (see
6.6.6 for UTC priority setting), so that MOVA can gain control when permitted by