TC45 TC45 JAVA User's Guide
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TC45_JAVA User's Guide_V02
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In the debug environment the module is emulated on the PC and only the AT commands are
run on the module, via serial interface. If the I/O pins are configured as ASC1 they are
emulated on the PC, shown connected to the RS-232 API in the diagram above, Figure 15.
Further information about this configuration is given in Section 10.1.3. Regular pin I/O,
however, is controlled on the module via AT commands.
10.1.1 Serial
port and pin I/O handling differences
Please note that there are some differences in serial port handling between MIDlets running
inside the module and running on the PC debug environment. Obviously there might be
some differences in timing issues and buffer sizes. Additionally, pin I/O is done on the same
serial port inside the module, regardless of running the application on PC or on module.
Therefore, pin I/O and serial port accesses have some restrictions on resources like those
described in section 4.4. Creating a CommConnection will fail in an application running on
module if pin I/O is already opened and vice versa. Because pin I/O works via AT commands
and serial port access via an additional COM port both are not mutually locked in the PC
debug environment and both are possible at the same time. Please keep in mind that this
does not mean that it is also possible inside the module.
10.1.2 Restrictions
Please note that the PC debug environment only emulates the virtual machine inside the
module. Much effort has been taken to ensure that both virtual machines behave in the
same way but accordingly, since they are completely different systems, there might be some
differences nevertheless. Besides the obvious differences in timing and execution speed
there are also differences in file system handling. The Flash file system of the module is
simulated in a special sub directory of the PC debug environment, so there are differences in
the possible length of file names and also in management of the available size. When using
http connections it is the GPRS stack inside the module that is used. This is not available on
the PC, so in the debug environment it is the internal IP stack of the operating system that is
used. Therefore, the PC must have a working Internet connection for using the http classes.
10.1.3 RS-232
As stated previously, ASC1 is emulated on the PC in the debug environment. It uses the
next available com port after the one used for ASC0. If you wish another com port to use, the
WMDebug.ini file must be manually updated. WMDebug.ini can be found in
\IMPSiemens\bin. The line
must be altered.
10.2 Java IDE
The SMTK is integrated into your Java IDE during installation. Please note that the IDE
integration is intended for debugging purposes using the PC emulator. JAR files used in the
module must be configured according to the batch file examples given. If the SMTK install
succeeded, one should be able to easily switch between the Siemens environment and
Standard-JDK environment. Means that the special libraries/APIs are available, the
emulators are available, AT commands sent to module. Regular function of the IDE for non-
Siemens projects is unchanged.