TC45 TC45 JAVA User's Guide
Confidential / Released
TC45_JAVA User's Guide_V02
Page 20 of 72
3.6 Restrictions
3.6.1 Flash file system
The maximum length of a complete path name, including the path and the filename, is
limited by the Flash file system on the module to 124 characters.
3.6.2 Memory
The memory model of the modules operating system uses 16kByte memory pages. Due to
this architecture there are two restrictions:
It is not possible to create an object that needs more than 16 Kbytes linear (i.e. non-
fragmented) memory. If an object has to be created whose size exceeds these 16kByte
an OutOfMemoryError will be thrown.
If the memory is unfavourably fragmented it might not be possible to create an object
that needs a larger amount of memory (smaller than 16kBytes) even though the
reported amount of free memory is larger than the amount needed by the object. If this
happens an OutOfMemoryError will be thrown.
3.7 Performance statements
Scope of the performance study was getting comparable values that indicate the
performance under certain circumstances.
3.7.1 Java
This section gives information about the Java command execution throughput (“jPS”= Java
statements per second). The scope of this measurement is only the statement execution
time, not the execution delay (Java command on AT interface
Java instruction execution
reaction on GPIO).
Generated frequency A
[reference sequence]
Test MIDlet
Output pin
pin level
Measurement loop (for frequency B)
Send URC (start performance test)
Generated frequency B
[measurement sequence]
Measurement sequence
Reference loop (for frequency A)