© Siem
ens AG
2003, M
Mobile Phone Manager
VAR Langua
ge: a
; VAR issue
date: 040317
left page (119)
of SL65 Iris FUG us, A31008-H7700-A40-1-4A19 (24.05.2004, 17:15)
Mobile Phone Manager
MPM is a Windows®-PC program
which enables you to use enhanced
mobile phone functions with any PC.
This includes the convenient mainte-
nance of your contacts, as well as
reading, writing and handling SMS
and MMS messages. You can also
synchronise your phone data with
Microsoft Outlook®. Your mobile
phone and the PC must be connect-
ed with a data cable, p. 139.
You can download the MPM
software from:
Contacts management
With MPM you can manage all your
personal contacts in your phone, in-
cluding adding, deleting, editing and
creating new contacts. You can also
use your PC to copy or move contacts
between your phone, Microsoft Out-
look® and other Siemens phones,
e.g. DECT phones like Gigaset.
SMS and MMS management
You will be able to read, write and
design your SMS and MMS messages
conveniently. Take advantage of all
the options that your PC offers to
create SMS and MMS easily using the
mouse, keyboard and PC screen and
your sounds and pictures. MMS and
SMS can be read, forwarded, print-
ed, deleted and archived as well.
Synchronisation (SmartSync)
With a single keystroke you can syn-
chronise the contacts, appoint-
ments, notes and tasks that are in
your mobile phone with Microsoft
Outlook®. If you have changed data
such as a contact on your mobile or
in Microsoft Outlook®, synchronis-
ing guarantees that both databases
stay updated, so you no longer need
to worry about data consistency.