A.4 Technology alarms
S7-1500 Motion Control V13 Update 3
Function Manual, 07/2014, A5E03879256-AC
Technology alarm 110
Alarm reaction: No reaction
Restart: Not required
Alarm text
Configuration is being internally adapted.
Illegal value for Actor.MaxSpeed (Actor.MaxSpeed greater
than 2*Actor.Reference Speed; Actor.MaxSpeed is set to
2*Actor.Reference Speed.
Correct the reference value in the drive as well as in the
configuration of the technology object on
Actor.MaxSpeed/2. For the analog drive connection,
correct the reference value in the drive as well as in the
configuration of the technology object on
The delay time to reach the tolerance window of positioning
monitoring (PositionMonitoring.ToleranceTime) is limited.
Change the configuration datum.
The emergency deceleration (Dynam-
icDefaults.EmergencyDeceleration) is too low and is set to the
minimum value possible.
Technology alarms 201-204
Technology alarm 201
Alarm reaction: Remove enable
Restart: Not required
Alarm text
Internal error.
Contact the hotline.
Technology alarm 202
Alarm reaction: No reaction
Restart: Not required
Alarm text
Internal configuration error.
Contact the hotline.
Technology alarm 203
Alarm reaction: Remove enable
Restart: Not required
Alarm text
Internal error. Please contact customer service.
Contact the hotline.