Industrial Ethernet Wireless LAN CP 1515
The Windows NT Diagnostics program is not “bullet-proof”
. Occasionally you
may run into a hardware conflicts despite the fact that the Windows NT
Diagnostics program displayed resources as being available to your PC Card
CP 1515.
This may be the case when your computer has one or more devices and/or
peripherals installed which claimed an I/O Base Address and/or IRQ value
without notifying the Windows NT operating system: Your Windows NT
Diagnostics program will not be able to display these values, simply because
it “doesn’t know”
If this is the case, a value you perceived as being available to your PC Card,
had already claimed by a conflicting device resulting in:
A PC Card CP 1515 that does not work, and/or
A conflicting device that does not work properly.
It will depend on your preferences and the configuration options supported
by each of the conflicting devices to determine which device settings should
be changed to allow flawless operation.
In most situations the SIMATIC NET IWL
Miniport driver will prove most
flexible to select alternative settings for I/O Base Address or IRQ values.
However since the conflicting device apparently did not communicate its
Resource claims to Windows NT, you may need to try multiple values before
the problem will be resolved.