General technical data
Hardware - SIMADYN D
Edition 08.2005
Before touching an electronics module, you must electrically
discharge your body. This can be simply done by touching a
conductive, grounded object immediately beforehand (e. g. bare metal
cabinet parts, water pipe etc.)
Modules may not come into contact with highly insulating materials
which can be statically charged. This includes plastic foils, insulating
desktops, clothing manufactured out of man-made fibers.
Modules may only be placed down on conductive surfaces (desktop
with ESD surface, conductive ESD foam rubber, ESD packing bags,
ESD transport containers, cardboard- or paper surfaces).
Modules may not be brought close to data terminals, monitors or
television sets.
1.2.3 Measuring and making changes on ESD modules
It only permissible to make measurements at the modules, if
the measuring unit is grounded (e. g. via protective conductor) or
before making measurements with an electrically-isolated
measuring device, the probe is briefly discharged (for example by
touching a bare metal control housing).
When carrying-out soldering work on modules, ESD soldering irons must
be used or at least the soldering iron tip grounded.
Aotewell Ltd
Industry Automation