General technical data
Hardware - SIMADYN D
Edition 08.2005
1.1.18 Cables
Cables from the outside (e. g. to the terminal modules) may not be routed
in a common cable duct with internal cables in the cabinet.
For incoming screened cables (analog and binary), the screen must be
connected to the screen rail where the cable enters the cabinet. The
cable must then be routed, still screened up to the terminal
module/module. Screens are not connected to terminal
Serial connecting cables must be screened. The screen must be
connected to a metallized connector housing. Further, it must also be
connected to the screen rail. The cable screen may not be connected to
pin 1 of the connector.
Screening using just the front panels of the modules is not effective
The screen cables must be connected at both ends to the screen rails in
the cabinets.
All analog signal cables must be screened, both in the cabinet as well as
outside the cabinet.
Single-ended grounding of cable screens
For analog signal cables, which only conduct low signal levels
(mV or
A), the cable screen is connected to the cable rail at one side in
the cabinet.
All of the signal cables must be provided with screen.
Cable length, screened
Outputs 1000
Inputs, 230 V AC
1000 m
Inputs, 24...60 V DC
1000 m
Below 500 V AC, a minimum clearance of > 10 cm must be maintained
between signal cables and power cables; for power cables above 1 kV
AC, a clearance > 30 cm must be maintained.
1.1.19 Mounting SIMADYN D unit in drive converters
When mounting SIMADYN D modules in drive converters, the following
should be observed:
The tachometer cables of the pulse encoders should have double
screens for lengths >10m.
Only terminal modules and cables in the SIMADYN D program may
be used.
All cable screens must be connected through the largest possible
surface area to the screen rail. The screen rail must be grounded
using the shortest possible 10mm2 cable.
permissible cable
Aotewell Ltd
Industry Automation