Technology subrack
Hardware - SIMADYN D
Edition 03.2001
7.2.4 Absolute value encoders
The T400 has up to 2 synchronous-serial interfaces for multi-turn absolute
value encoders:
SSI- and EnDat protocol (according to the Heidenhain company)
Selectable cycle between 100 kHz and 2 MHz
Either dual- or Gray-, or Gray-excess code can be selected
However, terminals 72 - 75 can only be alternatively used as
second synchronous-serial interface ("absolute value encoder 2") or
peer-to-peer or USS protocol
It is possible to simultaneously use, for example, peer-to-peer and "absolute
value encoder 1" (terminals 76-79).
7.2.5 Serial interfaces
T400 has 2 serial interfaces:
The following is realized via interface 1,
the program is downloaded
service („CFC in the test mode", "basic service") for start-up
(DUST1 protocol).
Baud rate: 19.2 kbaud
Optionally, the
USS protocol
(master/slave), to connect a MASTER
DRIVES OP1S operator control unit or SIMOVIS can be set per hardware
on the T400.
Interface 1 has both physical interfaces (can be optionally used!):
RS 232
for PC coupling (download, service)
RS 485 (
2 wire
e.g. for USS to the operator control panel
connection (OPx, SIMOVIS) or to higher-level
(master) systems (SIMATIC); incl. terminating
resistors which can be switched-in
Interface 2 is a mix asynchronous and synchronous interface with
RS 485
data transfer signal level:
with full duplex, 4-wire connection
protocol (master/slave)
with half-duplex, 2-wire connection
The following
baud rates
can be set:
interface 1
Interface 2
Aotewell Ltd
Industry Automation