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RWD Primary Controls Modbus Interface
Building Technologies
Commissioning SEZ50MB
Commissioning SEZ50MB
Before connecting any RWD products to SEZ50MB, the RWD device must be
configured to one of its available applications manually or via RWD SW configuration
tool (Please refer to RWD documentation for more information).
The RWD device connected with SEZ50MB must be configured to a selected
application first. Various applications for each RWD can be selected via key buttons
with the help of the LCD display on the RWD. The steps or details about how to
configure RWD device should be referred to RWD datasheet and its Installation and
Commissioning Guide.
Apart from manual configuration for RWD, a RWD SW configuration tool is available. It
is a SW program to run on a PC for configuring RWD via the RS232 connection. More
information about the SW tool, please contact your local sales office for further supports.
Before turning on the power supply, please MAKE SURE the followings are checked:
Check all required connections on the RWD device;
Configure RWD device to a desired application manually or via the RWD SW tool
and check if the standalone operation of this RWD is working properly (Please refer
to RWD Installation and Commissioning Guide or datasheet for more details);
Install SEZ50MB according to the installation manual CB1M3099;
Set the 8-way DIP switch for SEZ50MB address (1 to 247). If more than one
SEZ50MBs are used within the same Modbus network, different DIP switch
combinations should be used for other SEZ50MBs;
Set the 4-way DIP switch on SEZ50MB device for communication settings and the
same communication settings should be applied to all SEZ50MBs connected to the
same Modbus network;
Connect the RS232 cable (provided) between RWD device and SEZ50MB;
For the Modbus network, connect the 3-wire Modbus terminals (+, -, Ref) of the
SEZ50MB device to either the RS232 COM port or USB port of a PC via a RS232-
TO-RS485 or a USB-TO-RS485 converter (Please refer to
Modbus connection
next page);
If multiple SEZ50MBs are used in the same Modbus network, it is recommended to
use a single BUS type topology (repeaters required if > 32 x SEZ50MBs) and to
terminate the Modbus network at both ends with 150
resistors for best
performance. However, it is not allowed to place more than 2 line terminations on
one passive balanced pair and never place any line termination on a derivation
Connect power supply as per diagrams on next page
Power supplies
. Special
cares should be taken in the reference ground of each power supply. The SEZ50MB
device is recommended to use a SELV AC 24 V supply voltage when connecting
with a AC 230 V RWD device.
In order to shorten the trouble shooting time, it is recommended to test the Modbus
connection with just one RWD and one SEZ50MB device first. Then, check if the
remote monitoring functions via PC can be executed properly, and then connect all
SEZ50MBs to the same network.
Due to potential high surge currents along the network cable, it is highly recommended
to use RS485 converters with good electrical isolation for protecting the PC.
Configuring RWD
Configuring RWD
Power up