● WLAN Mode
Shows the transmission standard. If DFS is activated, the transmission standard "802.11h"
is not shown additionally but only the configured transmission standard "802.11a".
● Max. Data Rate (Mbps)
Shows the maximum data transmission speed in megabits per second.
● State
Shows the current status of the connection, for example "connected" means that the client
is connected to the access point and is ready to communicate with the AP.
Available AP
Available access points
This page is only available for clients or access points in client mode.
This page shows all the access points visible to the client. The list also includes the access
points to which the client cannot connect due to its configuration.
The table has the following columns:
● Radio
Shows the WLAN interface visible to the access point.
Shows the SSID of the access point.
Shows the MAC address of the access point.
● System Name
Shows the system name of the access point. The entry depends on the access point. Not
all access points support this parameter.
● Channel
Shows the channel on which the access point transmits or communicates.
● Signal Strength [dBm]
Shows the signal strength of the access point in bBm.
Configuring with Web Based Management
6.4 "Information" menu
SCALANCE W1780/W1740 according to IEEE 802.11ac Web Based Management
Configuration Manual, 11/2019, C79000-G8976-C485-03