A31003-S2000-M102-3-76A9, 08/07/2009
Asterisk - OpenStage Family, Administration Manual
HPT Interface (For Service Staff)
For special diagnosis and maintenance tasks, the service staff may employ the HPT tool, which
is able to control and observe an OpenStage phone remotely. For security reasons, this tool
can only be used when a dongle key file is uploaded to the phone (see Section 3.9.10, “HPT
Dongle Key”). This key is accessable to the service staff only. It is specific for a particular SIP
firmware version, but it will also be valid for previous versions.
There are 2 types of HPT sessions, control session and observation session.
A control session allows for activating phone functions remotely. When a control session is es-
tablished, the following changes will occur:
The display shows a message indicating that remote service is active.
Handset, microphone, speaker, headset, and microphone are disabled.
An observation session allows for supervising events on the phone, like, for instance, pressing
a key, incoming calls or navigating in the menus. Before an observation session is started, the
user is prompted for allowing the observation. During an observation session, the phone oper-
ates normally, including loudspeaker, microphone and ringer. Thus, the local user can demon-
strate an error towards the service staff that is connected via HPT.
The HPT interface is enabled by downloading the dongle key file to the phone (see Section
3.9.10, “HPT Dongle Key”). It can be disabled via local menu or WBM. Thereby, the dongle key
file is deleted. To enable the HPT interface again, the file must be downloaded anew.
The session data is written to a log file on the phone. It can be downloaded from the Diagnostics
> Fault trace configuration menu (see Section 3.19.6, “Fault Trace Configuration”).
Administration via WBM
Maintenance > HPT interface
Administration via Local Phone
Disable HPT / Enable HTP