Making Calls via Multiple Lines (Multi-Line)
Step by step
Primary line
All multi-line telephones have a primary line. This line
can be reached in the usual manner via your public
phone number. Incoming calls are signaled on this line.
Secondary line
The secondary line on your phone is used as a primary
line by another subscriber in the system. Your primary
line, which is configured on another telephone in the
system, simultaneously functions as the secondary line
on that telephone.
Line utilization
Private line
A line that is used by a single telephone. This line can-
not be used as a secondary line by another telephone.
Shared line
A line that is configured on multiple telephones. The
line status (if configured) is displayed for all telephones
that share this line. If, for example, a shared line is being
used by a telephone, a status message indicating that
this line is busy is displayed on all other telephones.
Direct call line
A line with a direct connection to another telephone.
You can see the status of the line from the LED.
To avoid conflict between the individual multi-line
phones, you can configure the functions "Do not
disturb" and "Call forwarding" exclusively for the
primary line.