Making and Answering Calls
Step by Step
Using Mailboxes
If you have programmed the "Mailbox" key
the associated LED lights up when messages have ar-
rived for you. If your telephone is connected to a voice
mail system, the "Mailbox" key will also light up to alert
you to any messages that have arrived.
Accessing the Mailbox
Press the illuminated "Mailbox" key.
Select and confirm.
Follow the user prompts.
Using Timed Reminders
You must have saved a timed remind er
page 59. The current time is the time stored.
The telephone rings. The timed reminder appears on
the screen.
Press the key t wice.
Lift the handset and replace it again.
U S: View messages?
U K: Display Messages?
U S: Message sent?
U K: Text?
U S: Call vo ice mail?
U K: Call Voice Mail?
US: Reminder:
UK: Reminder at:
If you fail to answer the timed reminder, it re-
peats five times and is then erased.