GSM M1 Module, English: A24859-N4000-A100-1-7677
Installation / startup
In order for the GSM module to access the GSM network, you may have to enter the
PIN for the SIM card. You can do this using the AT+CPIN=“
....” command. The
AT+CPIN? command allows you to inquire whether or not you must enter a password
and what type of password must be entered. The following blocks are possible:
• PIN or PUK
• Device code or PUK of the device code
• Network link: the network operator blocks the device so that, without a network
PIN, it runs only in its own network. If you wish to operate the device in another net-
work, you must enter the PIN or PUK.
• Service operator link: similar to the network link but implemented by the service op-
erator rather than the network operator (again, you must enter PIN or PUK).
The PIN (4-8 positions) is the PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER and must be en-
tered to unblock the device. You are allowed 3 attempts to enter your PIN. If you enter
the wrong PIN 3 times in a row, the PIN is blocked and must be unblocked by means
of a PUK (PIN UNBLOCKING KEY). You are allowed 10 attempts.
You can enter the PUK any number of times for the network link and service operator
Queries the password to be entered.
GSM module
PIN for the SIM card; must be entered.
PIN entry
PIN was correct; the SIM card can be
After entering the PIN, you can enter the
command to determine whether
the GSM module is registered in the GSM network.
Normally, you will set up connections with the aid of your communication program.
However, you can also manually instruct your GSM module to set up and clear down a
connection. The simplest sequence would be as follows: Load your communication
program and enter the following command:
Registering in the GSM network / PIN entry
Setting up and clearing down connections