Local Area Network
Network with a restricted physical range. A LAN can be wireless (WLAN)
and/or wired.
Local IP address
The local or private IP address is the address for a network component in the
local network (LAN). The network operator can assign any address he or
she wants. Devices that act as a link from a local network to the Internet
(gateway or router) have a public and a private IP address.
See also
Local SIP Port
MAC address
Media Access Control Address
Hardware address by means of which each network device
(e.g., network card, switch, phone) can be uniquely identified worldwide.
It consists of 6 parts (hexadecimal numbers) separated by a "-"
(e.g., 00-90-65-44-00-3A).
The MAC address is assigned by the manufacturer and cannot be changed.
Million bits per second
Unit of the transmission speed in a network.
Maximum Receive Unit
Defines the maximum user data volume within a data packet.
Maximum Transmission Unit
Defines the maximum length of a data packet that can be carried over the
network at a time.
Music on hold
Music that is played while you are on a
The waiting party hears music while on hold.