'Detection' task card
154 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
Events of the sub-system can be acknowledged and reset with the outputs.
If you acknowledge an event, the output 'Output 'Acknowledge'' is activated for
3 s.
If you reset an event, the output 'Output 'Reset'' will be activated. The duration
of the activation is dependent on the setting 'Reset time' in the 'Details' tab:
– 'Enabled' checkbox deactivated: The output is activated for 3 s.
– 'Enabled' checkbox activated: The duration of the activation can be set
between 1 s and 5 min. If the reset is carried out successfully prior to the
expiration of the set time, then the output will be deactivated again
You will find more information on the properties of a 'Zone' in chapter 'Configuring
11.4.5 'Flow switch zone'
In larger sprinkler systems, the piping system is distributed over several floors and
the supply network has an outlet on every floor. Flow rate indicators are built into
these outlets. These signal where the water runs to and generate an additional
report for reporting to the sprinkler station.
The flow rate indicator is evaluated with an OR link. Each flow rate indicator in the
'Zone' can generate an alarm.
The following table shows the properties of the templates along with the event
category and the event text of the message that is generated with an event.
Main features and typical application
Typical event category
Event text
Evaluation of flow rate indicators
● ↑
Single-detector dependency
Without 'Pre-ALARM'
' ------Exting. discharged (Aut. Fire
'Flow swi. released'
Table 10: Properties of the templates
Text that is shown on the display of the Person Machine Interface when the event
See also