Program operation
Creating reports
102 | 412
Building Technologies
Fire Safety
6.26.8 Soiling report
The 'Soiling report' lists the 'Compensation value' of the detectors.
Create report link [
The following elements are listed for each* detector:
Device customer text
Device address path
Operating years
Compensation level
Compensation value:
– 'Normal', no action required
– '100%: Warning, change recommended'
– '150%: Maximum, change required'
Logical customer text
Logical address
Serial no. ("ID-Nr.")
Data for a 'Soiling report' is not read out in real time. The read-out 'Compensation
value' in a 'Soiling report' can be up to 15 min old upon creation.
You will find detailed information on functions, connection factors and device
compatibility in document 'List of compatibility'.
* FDA221/241:
The warning level 'Compensation value' = '150%: Maximum, change required' is
not supported by the aspirating smoke detectors FDA221 and FDA241. Instead of
a service prompt, a corresponding error message is displayed on the 'Station'.