ens AG
2003, W:\IC
4 R66_US
End user license agreement
VAR Langua
ge: a
; VAR issue
date: 040720
left page (137)
of CT66 Cingular am, A31008-H7840-A65-1-4A19 (04.08.2004, 16:57)
End user license agreement
This Software License Agreement
("Agreement") is between You and
Siemens Information and Communi-
cation Mobile, LLC and/or one of its
affiliates ("Licensor"). The Agree-
ment authorizes You to use the Soft-
ware specified in Clause 1 below,
which may be included on Your
phone, stored on a CD-ROM, sent to
You by electronic mail, downloaded
from Licensor's Web pages or servers
or from other sources under the
terms and conditions set forth be-
low. This is an agreement on end
user rights and not an agreement for
sale. Licensor continues to own the
copy of the Software and any other
copy that You are authorized to
make pursuant to this Agreement.
Read this Agreement carefully be-
fore installing, downloading or using
the Software. Further, by installing,
downloading and/or using the Soft-
ware, You agree to the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.
1. Software.
As used in this Agreement, the term
"Software" means, collectively: (i) all
the software in Your phone, all of
the contents of the disk(s), CD-
ROM(s), electronic mail and its file
attachments, or other media with
which this Agreement is provided;
(ii) related Licensor or third party
software; (iii) digital images, stock
photographs, clip art or other artistic
works ("Stock Files") (iv) related ex-
planatory written materials
("Documentation"); (v) fonts (vi) up-
grades, modified versions, updates,
additions and copies of the Soft-
ware, if any, licensed to You by Li-
censor (collectively "Updates") and
(vii) any other possible documenta-
tion related thereto.
2. End user rights and use.
Licensor grants to You a non-exclu-
sive, non-transferable end user right
to install the Software or use the
Software installed on the phone. The
Software is licensed with the phone
as a single integrated product and
may be used with the phone only as
set forth in these licensing terms.
3. Limitations on end user rights.
(a) You may not copy, distribute, or
make derivative works of the Soft-
(b) You may not use, modify, trans-
late, reproduce or transfer the right
to use the Software or copy the Soft-
ware except as expressly provided in
this Agreement.
(c) You may not resell, sublicense,
rent, lease or lend the Software; ex-
cept You may permanently transfer
all of Your rights as set forth in the
Agreement only as part of a perma-
nent sale or transfer of the phone,
provided the recipient agrees to the
terms of this Agreement.