Identifying the left and right
hearing instrument(s)
Your Siemens hearing instruments may be color-coded for
your convenience. The left ear hearing instrument may have
a blue typeplate, and the right ear hearing instrument may
have a red typeplate (Fig. 2).
In addition, on Siemens Life
BTEs, the left ear hearing
instrument has a blue number on the LifeTip Adapter,
and the right ear hearing instrument has a red number
on the LifeTip Adapter (Fig. 3).
Changing the battery
Refer to the feature card or check with your Audiologist or
Hearing Care Provider to determine the battery size for your
hearing instrument.
To insert the battery into the hearing instrument, use your
fingernail to swivel open the door of the battery compartment.
Place the proper size battery in the battery compartment so
that the “+” symbol on the battery coincides with the “+” mark
on the battery compartment door.
Gently close the battery compartment. Do not force the door
shut. If it does not close easily, check to see if the battery was
inserted properly. When the battery door is completely closed,
your hearing instrument is ready for operation (Fig. 4 and 4.1).
Fig. 2: Location of Typeplate
Fig. 3: Location of right and left designator on LifeTip
adapter for Siemens Life
Color-coded number
on Tip Adapter
Fig. 4: Inserting the battery
Color-coded number
on Tip Adapter