In wiring the submodule, you must strictly separate the
intrinsically safe lines from the non-intrinsically safe.
Intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe lines may not be
laid together in a single cable duct.
Connect the DC 24V to the TM-PS-A/TM-PS-B power
supply submodule (terminal L+ / M). You must connect the
potential equalization wire (in accord with EN 60 079-14) to
the terminal PA.
The comprehensive terminal assignment can be found in
ET 200iSP Distributed I/O
Zone 1:
In Zone 1, the wires for the supply voltage may
only be connected to or disconnected from the TM-PS-
A/TM-PS-B terminal submodule when the supply voltage
has been switched off (wires are voltage-free).
Zone 2:
In Zone 2, when there is risk of explosion, the
supply voltage must be switched off (wires are voltage-
free) before the wires for the supply voltage are connected
to or disconnected from the TM-PS-A
TM-PS-B terminal
submodule. In Zone 2, if there is no risk of explosion, the
supply voltage wires may be connected to or
disconnected from the TM-PS-A TM-PS-B power supply
submodule when they are live.