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Thank you for purchasing our smoke alarm!


Please read these instruc ons carefully and store them in a safe place during 
the en re life me of the product. 

Product descrip on and intended use

This is a smoke alarm (delivered with ba ery) with an op cal sensor for 
installa on in residen al buildings, apartments and rooms with residen al-
like use. Smoke alarms are designed to provide an early warning of fire smoke 
and fires to persons present, so that these persons can react appropriately to 
the hazardous event. Always consult local regula ons for smoke alarms.

Product specifica ons

Detec on method:         O

  p cal

Power supply                      :  Sealed ba ery (3 V DC)
Ba ery life me

: 10 years


Alarm volume                      :  > 85 dB (A) at 3 meters
Alarm sensi vity                   :  0,094 - 0,149 dB/m
Monitored area                    : 

max. 40 m²

Opera ng temperature            :  0 °C - 40 °C
Opera ng humidity                :  < 93 %
Date of replacement              :  See product label
Individual alarm indicator         :  Yes
Alarm silence facility              :  Yes | Hush  me: 5-15 minutes
Low ba ery warning               :  Yes
Low ba ery silence facility        :  Yes | Hush  me : 10 hours
Installa on in leisure 
accommoda on vehicles          :  Yes
Moun ng loca on                 :  Ceiling
Interconnectable                  :  No



To prevent injury, this apparatus must be securely a ached to the ceiling in   
accordance with the installa on instruc ons.

Ba eries should not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or 
the like.

Do not paint or cover the smoke alarm.

Where to install a smoke alarm

Smoke alarms must be installed in such a way that they can be reached 
unhindered by the fire smoke so that fires can be reliably detected during the 
development phase.

Install at least in sleeping areas (especially children's rooms).

Install at least in escape routes.

In the middle of the ceiling of a room.

At least 50 cm away from the wall and other objects.

Maximum installa on height of 6 meter.

Where to install a smoke alarm in rooms 
with special geometries

Corridors with a maximum width of 3 m: Max. 15 m between 2 smoke       

    alarms. Max. 7,5 m to the front side of the gallery and smoke alarms 
    at edges/crossings of corridors.

Rooms with sloping ceilings:

    -  If the ceiling inclina on is > 20° to the horizontal: Smoke alarms must be
      installed at least 0.5 m and at most 1 m from the ceiling top.
    -  Par al roof slopes: If the flat ceiling is ≤ 1 m wide, consider as ceiling   
      inclina on is of > 20°. If the flat ceiling is >1 m wide,consider as flat 

Rooms with subdivided ceilings:

    -  Height of the subdivisions is ≤ 0.2 m: Beams without considera on:  
      smoke alarm may be installed on the beams as well as on the ceiling.
    -  Height of subdivisions is > 0.2 m and if one of the ceiling panels > 36 m2:  
      a smoke alarm device should be installed in this ceiling panel and 
      addi onally a smoke alarm device in the room, preferably in the middle 
      of the other ceiling panel
    -  Height of subdivisions > 0.2 m and area of ceiling panels ≤ 36 m²:
      Individual ceiling panels are without considera on. A smoke alarm must 
      be installed in a ceiling panel or on the joist, preferably in the middle of 
      the room.

Where not to install a smoke alarm

In an environment with a high risk of draught (e.g. close to air condi oning, 
fans and ven la on outlets). The movement of air can impair the 
penetra on of fire smoke into the smoke alarm.

Areas where combus ons regularly occurs, such as kitchens. 

Areas with high humidity such as bathrooms, or close to devices such as 
dish washers or washing machines.

Ac va on

Before commissioning the smoke alarm, it is important to ac vate it and test 
it for correct opera on.

Place the moun ng plate on the smoke alarm and secure it by turning it 
clockwise. When it’s properly  ghtened, the smoke alarm is ac vated by 
the ac va on switch and generates a loud beep. 

Test the correct ac va on of your smoke alarm by pressing the test bu on. 
If no sound is generated, the smoke alarm is not ac vated properly and 
should not be used!
For a reliable test, press test bu on for around 10 seconds, un l two 
sequences of 3 beeps are generated, and release.

It is recommended to write the replacement date (10 years) on the label, in 
a calendar or in an easily verifiable place.

Moun ng

Remove the moun ng plate from the smoke alarm.

Place the moun ng plate on the desired installa on loca on and mark 
where the holes should be drilled.

Drill two holes with a diameter of 5 millimetres.

Push the plas c plugs into the holes. 

Insert the screws into the moun ng plate, and  ghten them firmly into the 

Place the smoke alarm on the moun ng bracket and secure it by turning it 

When it's properly  ghtened, the smoke alarm generates a beep.

Test the correct opera on of your smoke alarm by pressing the test bu on. 
If no sound is generated, the smoke alarm is not func oning properly and 
should not be used!

Alarm silence facility

When the smoke alarm has detected smoke and turns into the alarm mode, 
you can mute the alarm for a minimum of 5 minutes and a maximum 15 
minutes by pressing the test bu on. A er that, the smoke alarm 
automa cally resets and returns into the normal opera on mode. If there are 
s ll par cles of combus on in the air, the smoke alarm will turn into the alarm 
mode again. WARNING: Before using the alarm silence facility, always iden fy 
the cause of the alarm and make sure that the circumstances are safe. 


Moun ng plate

Moun ng plate

Hobby room

Boiler room


Children’s room


A c








Op mal


Test bu on

Sound output

LED indicator

Ac va on switch

Ac va on switch
