Low ba ery mode
When the ba ery is running low, the smoke alarm will indicate this with a
ve beep and flash for approximately 30 days. WARNING: This smoke
alarm is equipped with a non-replaceable ba ery. When this warning occurs,
replace the device as soon as possible! The acous c low ba ery warning
signal can be muted for ten hours by pressing the test bu on. The smoke
alarm is s ll func oning and able to detect smoke when it's in this mode.
Fault warning mode
When the smoke alarm is not func oning properly, it will turn into the fault
warning mode. Try cleaning the smoke alarm (see paragraph “Maintenance“)
or replace the smoke alarm!
Test this smoke alarm weekly for correct opera on using the test facility. If
the smoke alarm func ons correctly, it will generate a loud beep. Due to
the loudness of the alarm, make sure that you always stand at arm’s length
distance from the unit when you are tes ng. If the smoke alarm does not
generate an acous c signal, the smoke alarm must be replaced
Clean the smoke alarm at least once per month to remove dirt, dust or
debris. Use a vacuum cleaner with a so brush and vacuum all sides and
covers of the smoke alarm. Do not remove the top cover of the smoke
alarm to clean it inside.
Do not a empt to repair this smoke alarm. If the smoke alarm shows a
damage related to its func onality, it must be replaced!
Trouble shoo ng: False alarm is o en caused by dust or steam.
Recycling and disposal
The WEEE symbol means that this product and ba eries must be
disposed separately from other household waste. When they reach
their end of life, take them to a designated waste collec on point in
your area to guarantee a safe disposal or recycling. Ba eries must be removed
from the product by a qualified person, by opening the product. Protect the
environment, human health and natural resources!
User manual
Product is classified as a dangerous good, observe dangerous goods
regula ons!
h p://www.siemens.com/lowvoltage/dangerousgood
h ps://support.industry.siemens.com
Note: During the transport, the product must be deac vated. Remove the
moun ng plate from smoke detector for deac va on.
Cer fied by AFNOR Cer fica on (www.afnor.org). For advise from experts and
firefighters, go to: h ps://cer fica on.afnor.org/securite/nf- securite-
incendie-domes que.
The CE mark affixed to this product confirms its compliance with the
European Direc ves which apply to the product and, in par cular, its
compliance with the harmonized specifica ons of standard EN 14604:2005
rela ng to Construc on Products Regula on 305/2011.
The NF – DOMESTIC FIRE SAFETY mark provides assurance as to safety and
consistent quality inspected by experts. Through its rigorous and exhaus ve
inspec ons (holder's quality management system, product inspec ons, audits
and monitoring tests, etc.), the NF mark represents a comprehensive
guarantee for consumers that the cer fied products are compliant. The NF –
DOMESTIC FIRE SAFETY mark confirms the product's compliance with
cer fica on rules NF 292.
Nominal ac va on condi ons / sensi vity / response delay (response me)
and performance under fire condi ons - Opera ng reliability - Tolerance to
supply voltage - Durability of opera onal reliability and response delay,
temperature resistance, vibra on resistance, humidity resistance, corrosion
resistance, electrical stability.
Siemens AG
Siemensstr. 10
D93055 Regensburg (Germany)
Iden fica on
Type of moun ng Ceiling
Main power supply Internal to the device (ba ery)
Ba ery dura on of the
main power supply 10 years, seal not replaceable
Individual alarm indicator Yes
Suitable for installa on in
recrea onal vehicles Yes
Alarm silence facility Yes
Ba ery fault-forwarding at night Yes
Essen al cer fied features covered by the NF mark
20 5TC1292-7
0333 Smoke Alarm
EN 14604:2005 + AC:2008
DoP: 70782A-WA-DoP
h ps://support.industry.siemens.com
Opera ng mode Visual signal (flash)
Acous c signal (beep)
Descrip on mode
Normal 1 x per 40 seconds
Device is func oning properly
Test 1 x per second (3 x), pause of 1,5 seconds
1 x per second (3 x), pause of 1,5 seconds
Device is being tested
Alarm 1 x per second (3 x), pause of 1,5 seconds
1 x per second (3 x), pause of 1,5 seconds
Device has detected smoke
Alarm silence 1 x per 8 seconds
Smoke alarm is muted
Low ba ery 1 x per 40 seconds (simultaneously with beep)
1 x per 40 seconds (simultaneously with flash)
Ba ery is running low
Low ba ery silence 1 x per 40 seconds
Low ba ery warning is muted
Fault warning 1 x per 40 seconds (alterna ng with beep)
1 x per 40 seconds (alterna ng with flash)
Device is not func oning properly
Overview visual & acous c signals