Appendix A
Force CD active regardless of the carrier state.
Allow CD to follow the carrier state.
Interpret DTR ON-to-OFF transition per &Qn:
&Q0, &Q5, &Q6 The modem ignores DTR.
&Q1, &Q4 The modem hangs up.
&Q2, &Q3 The modem hangs up.
Interpret DTR ON-to-OFF transition per &Qn:
&Q0, &Q1, &Q4.
&Q5, &Q6 Asynchronous escape.
&Q2, &Q3 The modem hangs up.
Interpret DTR ON-to-OFF transition per &Qn:
&Q0 thru &Q6 The modem hangs up.
Interpret DTR ON-to-OFF transition per &Qn:
&Q0, &Q1, &Q4.
&Q5, &Q6 The modem performs soft reset.
&Q2, &Q3 The modem hangs up.
Recall (restore) factory profile.
Disable guard tone.
Disable guard tone.
Enable 1800 Hz guard tone.
Set S register response only for compatibility.
Set S register response only for compatibility.
Disable DTE/DCE flow control.
Enable RTS/CTS DTE/DCE flow control.
Enable XON/XOFF DTE/DCE low control.
Select dial up line operation.
Select leased line operation.
Select direct asynchronous mode.
Select sync connect with async off-line command
Select sync connect with async off-line command
mode and enable DTR dialing of directory zero.
Select sync connect with async off -line command
mode and enable DTR to act as Talk/Data switch.
Set 10 pps pulse dial with 39%/61% makelbreak.
Set 10 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make/break.
Set 20 pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make/break.
Set 20 pps pulse dial with 33%/67% make/break.
Select direct asynchronous mode.
Select sync connect with async off-line command
Select sync connect with async off-line command
mode and enable DTR dialing of directory zero.
Select sync connect with async off-line command
mode and enable DTR to act as Talk/Data switch.
Select Hayes AutoSync mode.
Modem negotiates an error corrected link.
Select asynchronous operation in normal mode.
CTS tracks FITS (async) or acts per V.25 (sync).
CTS is always active.
DSR is always active.
DSR acts per V.25.
Terminate any test in progress.
Initiate local analog loopback.
Returns ERROR result code.
Initiate local digital loopback.
Allow remote digital loopback.
Disallow remote digital loopback request.
Request an RDL without self-test
Request an RDL with self-test.
Initiate local analog loop with self-test.
Display current configurations.
Store the active profile in NVRAM profile 0.
Store the active profile in NVRAM profile 1.
Select internal timing for the transmit clock.
Select external timing for the transmit clock.
Select slave receive timing for the transmit clock.
Recall stored profile 0 upon power up.
Recall stored profile 1 upon power up.
Store dial string x (to 40) to location n (0 to 19).
Refer to Percent (AT%) Commands table.
Disable line quality monitor and auto retrain.
Enable line quality monitor and auto retrain.
Return received tine signal level.
Report the line signal quality.
PTT certification test signals.
#CID=0 Disable Caller ID.
#CID=1 Enable Caller ID with formatted presentation.
#CID=2 Enable Caller ID with unformatted presentation.
ECC AT Commands
Enable data compression.
Enable MNP 5 data compression.
Enable V.42 bis data compression.
Enable both V.42 bis and MNP 5 compression.
Set maximum block size in MNP to 64.
Set maximum block size in MNP to 128.
Set maximum block size in MNP to 192.
Set maximum block size in MNP to 256.
Transmit Break to remote.
Use stream mode for MNP
Use block mode for MNP.
MNP 10 AT Commands.
Disable MNP 10 link negotiation power adjustment.
Enabie MNP 10 link negotiation power adjustment.
Select MNP 10 link negotiation at highest rate.
Select MNP 10 link negotiation at 1200 bps
Disable MNP 10 extended services.
Enable MNP 10 extended services.
Enable MNP 10 extended services detection only.
Disable MNP 10 fallback to V22 bis/ V.22.
Enable MNP 10 fallback to V22 bis/V.22.
Select initial transmit level.
Disable the compromise equalizer.
Enable the compromise equalizer.
“AT” Commands