SICK TiM31x Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2

T i M 3 1 x   |   S i C K

8014316/YDQ9/2014-08-27 • 

Subject to change without notice









segmented (shape freely definable, default: rectangle), rect-
angle and semi-circle (only the size of these last two can be 
changed). The 3 origin-oriented fields of a set always overlap 
to some extent and form a triple.



free shape type


Field 1

Field 2

Field 3



Structure of the fields of a field set and possible field shapes

The limits of the outer field 3 and the middle field 2 relate 
to the limits of the inner field 1. The relationship between 
the limits is fixed as a percentage for the field sets 1 to 4; 
the limits of field 2 and field 3 can be adjusted freely for the 
field sets 5 to 16 if needed, using the SOPAS configuration 
software. The following rules apply: Field 1 may not be larger 
than field 2, and field 2 may not be larger than field 3; neither 
may fields be congruent.

For the dimensions of the respective field 1 and its default 
shape as well as for the wiring of the switching inputs 
required for field set selection 


“Field set – switching 

input assignment, page 3”

Preparing for teach-in

In general, the function button and two LEDs on the device 
are used for teach-in.

•  Remove all objects that will not permanently be in the field 

of view in monitoring mode later on.

•  Distance yourself sufficiently from the TiM31x during the 

advance warning phase of the teach-in, so that you are not 
detected as part of the field contour.

Teaching in the field contour 

The TiM31x uses the field set 1 (segmented, initial shape: 
rectangle) to adjust the field shape and size to the surround-
ing contour detected. The switching inputs may not be sup-
plied with current during this process. 

The TiM31x forms the outer field 3 from the surrounding con-
tour with a negative offset of 100 mm (3.94 in), and deduces 
the limits of the two inner fields from this, so that field 2 = 

field 1 plus 25 % and field 3 = field 1 plus 52 %. 

•  The field shape to be formed can be defined by depreciat-

ing the limits during the teach-in phase. Do not wear black 
clothing during this process!



Start the field contour teach-in.

3 seconds 

flashes slowly

The behavior of the two LEDs shows the progress of the field 
contour teach-in:








Field contour teach-in – start 

LED flashes slowly (0.5 Hz)

Field contour teach-in – advance warning 



LED flashes increasingly faster within 15 s



Field contour teach-in – teach-in phase


60 seconds 

Field contour teach-in – end of teach-in phase


LED flashes increasingly faster within 15 s


Automatic return to monitoring mode 

All fields free



Monitoring mode 

In case of field infringement


 = lit, 

 = flashing

The TiM31x automatically stores the new field set 1 perma-


Configuration with PC

By default, the 3 fields of a field set and other parameters 
of the TiM31x are adapted to the application and the 
diagnostics are performed in case of a fault using the SOPAS 
configuration software.  
If the field shape of the field set 1 has been taught in without 
a PC using the function button, in general SOPAS is used to 
continue the configuration.  
This includes continuing to set the field shapes/sizes, non-
teachable field sets based on the default setting and the 
response time of the fields, the blanking size and the holding 
(duration) time of the assigned switching outputs OUT 1 ... 
OUT 3.  
The blanking size is the object diameter above which an 
object not present in the TiM31x’s scanning angle leads to 
a field infringement. Like the response time and the holding 
time, the blanking size applies to all field sets and their fields. 

Installing and starting the SOPAS configuration software

1.  Download and install on the PC the software from the web-

site “

”, SOPAS ET software 

type. In this case, select the “Complete” option as selected 

by the installation wizard. Administrator rights may be 
required on the PC to install the software.

2.  Once installation is complete, start the “Single Device” 

program option. 
Path: Start > Program Files > SICK > SOPAS Engineering 
Tool > SOPAS (Single Device). 
When SOPAS detects a connected TiM31x for the first 
time, it automatically installs the required USB driver. It 
may be necessary to restart the PC at this point. 

3.  Establish a connection between SOPAS and TiM31x using 

the wizard that opens automatically. Select the TiM31x 
from the list of available devices.

SOPAS program window (Single Device)

Field monitor display window

•  In the 





 window, SOPAS displays the field 

contour (scan line) currently seen in the reflection of the 
surroundings in blue. If the 4 switching inputs are not sup-
plied with current, SOPAS also displays the three protective 
fields (segmented rectangles) for the field set 1 according 
to the TiM31x’s default setting, or the field shape gener-
ated using the teach-in function with its dimensions, the 
status of the switching inputs/outputs and the position of 
the mouse pointer.

•  SOPAS displays the fields in green if no field infringement 

is present. If objects of a particular size and duration 


“Default settings TiM31x, page 2”

) are located 

in the part of the scanning angle that is covered by fields, 
the TiM31x recognizes this as a field infringement. SOPAS 
displays this separately for the individual fields in yellow.  
When a CDB730-001 connection module is used, the 
LEDs OUT 1 ... OUT 3 light depending of the field infringe-
ment (


“Assignment of infringed fields - switching 

outputs, page 3”)



Try changing the orientation of the TiM31x in the room 
and observe the effects this has on detection in the field 
Clicking the 



 button in SOPAS resets the counters on 

the switching outputs.

Continuing configuration

Field editor display window

1.   To optimize the monitored fields of the field sets used by 

the TiM31x manually, click the 





 tab at the top of 

the program window. 

2.  Select the field set 1, for example, under 





 on the 



of the window. 

3.  Adjust the settings for other functions such as response 

times of the fields, blanking size and holding (duration) 
time output under 



 on the right of the program 

window. When selecting the response time, note that the 






also has its own internal response time. 

4.  To check the effects of the settings applied, click the 





 tab at the top. 

SOPAS displays the infringed fields in yellow in the field 
monitor for the field set 1. If you wish to observe another 
field set, this must first be activated accordingly using the 
switching inputs.

Completing configuration



Finally, save the entire configuration permanently: 
Parameter set in the TiM31x: Click the 


Configuration file on the PC: Click the 


Default settings TiM31x



Blanking size

Diameter 200 mm (7.88 in)

Response time of the fields

335 ms (5 scans)

Holding time of the switching outputs

335 ms (5 scans)
