Confirm chain change
The total number of connected guests and their respective threshold values are stored
in the host. If the number of guests changes at a later time, a warning message is dis‐
played. Confirm chain change is used to confirm the new total guest count and store it
in the host. The warning message is no longer displayed.
Automated assignment
Automated assignment performs the three methods “Confirm chain change”, “Auto‐
mated position assignment”, and “Automated zone assignment” (see also the Zone
There are a number of different teach modes available.
Teach all guests
Sets the threshold value for all centralized and teachable guests
Teach guest
Sets the threshold value for the selected guest.
Auto teach-in
If the option is selected, teach-in is carried out automatically whenever the voltage
supply is interrupted. There must have been no changes to the sensors, otherwise
an AutoAssign must be performed.
There are sensors where the threshold value can only be set manually directly on the
sensor. A teach in via the host is not possible in this case.
The teach-in status should be queried after a teach-in. This returns a response for each
individual slave position.
IOLink307SlaveTeachInStatus can have the following values:
Teach-in Necessary (0)
is set if the slave at the relevant position has been replaced (serial number has
changed), provided the slave is actually teachable, a teach-in has not already been
carried out at that position, an Automatic assignment, Confirm chain change, Fac‐
tory reset or DataStorage download has been performed.
OK (1) (the last teach-in was successful)
Fail (2) (the last teach-in failed, e.g., poor alignment)
This is an immediate teach-in response. It is also retained after a restart, and does
not become a “Teach-in Necessary”.
8023047/2018-11-15 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | FlexChain
Subject to change without notice