Technical information
© SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved
Subject to change without notice
Technical realization
From M4000 firmware 1.50 there are further options by changing the communication
addresses between UE403 and M4000. The address can be 11, 12, 13 or 14.
EFI gateway with two S3000 safety laser scanners
The protective field switching on the S3000 is performed via the (F)PLC. The control input
signals for this purpose are routed to the S3000 via the EFI gateway (address 14). The
status information from the S3000 is received by the EFI gateway (addresses 7 and 8) and
routed to the (F)PLC.
EFI gateways with S3000 or S300 host/guest systems with local inputs
Only the status information from the S3000 or S300 safety laser scanners is received by
the EFI gateway (addresses 7 and 8) and routed to the (F)PLC. The protective field
switching is performed using the local inputs on the host. This information is forwarded to
the guest (address 7).
Fig. 16: Example control of
two S3000 via an EFI
gateway using one (F)PLC
Fig. 17: Example status
polling on an S3000/S300
host/guest system via an EFI
gateway by an (F)PLC