Visual check of the machine and the protective device
The following points are often helpful for the definition of the check:
Has the machine been retrofitted?
Have machine parts been removed?
Have modifications been made to the surroundings of the machine?
Have the protective device or its parts been dismantled?
Is it possible to enter the hazardous area without being detected?
Is the protective device damaged?
Is the protective device severely contaminated?
Is the front screen contaminated, scratched or destroyed?
Are there any damaged cables or open cable ends?
If one of the points applies, the machine should be shut down immediately. In this
case, the machine and the protective device must be checked by appropriately qualified
safety personnel.
8014276/1DCM/2022-10-27 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | deTec2 Core
Subject to change without notice