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The choice: By SPD, 50%, 60%, 66%, 75%, 80%, 83%, 100%,
120%, 125%, 133%, 150%, 166%, 200%, or Auto.
Resulting Frequecny
This item presents the DDR SDRAM frequency you've selected in the
previous item.
Memory Timings
This item allows you to set the Memory Timings. The following four items
become available as this item is set to Expert.
Select [Expert] to enter timings manually.
The choice: Optimal, Aggressive, Turbo, or Expert.
This item defines the timing delay for DRAM precharge.
Row-active delay - Set System Performance to [Optimal] to use the delay
recommended by the DIMM's manufacturer.
The choice: 1~15.
This item defines the timing of the transition from RAS (row address strobe)
to CAS (column address strobe) as both rows and columns are separately
addressed shortly after DRAM is refreshed.
RAS-to-CAS delay - Set System Performance to [Optimal] to use the delay
recommended by the DIMM's manufacturer.
The choice: 1~7.
This item defines the numbers of cycles for RAS to be allowed to precharge.
Row-precharge delay - Set System Performance to [Optimal] to use the
delay recommended by the DIMM's manufacturer.
The choice: 1~7.
CAS Latency
This item defines the timing delay in clock cycles before SDRAM starts a
read command after receiving it.
CAS Latency - Set System Performance to [Optimal] to use the delay rec-
ommended by the DIMM's manufacturer.
The choice: 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0.
FSB Spread Spectrum
This item allows you to set the spread spectrum modulation.
The choice: Disabled, 0.50%, or 1.00%.