adapter cable with a 1/4-in. phone plug on the equipment
end (WA300).
MICROPHONE LEVEL Rotary Control: In conjunction
with the Gain Hi/Lo switch, this control provides addi-
tional audio level adjustment. A small screwdriver is
supplied to make adjustments.
MICROPHONE ON/OFF Toggle Switch: Permits the
user to “mute” the microphone without turning the
transmitter off. This avoids the “pop” that may accom-
pany power turn-on and turn-off, and generally prevents
pickup of unwanted signals by the receiver.
POWER ON/OFF Slide Switch: Applies power to the
transmitter circuitry. The switch is a low-profile type to
minimize accidental turn-off.
W ith the transmitter POWER ON/OFF Switch in the
OFF position, slide the battery compartment access
cover down and off the transmitter case. Insert a new
9-volt transistor-radio-type battery (Duracell MN1604 or
equivalent) in the compartment. Observe the proper
polarity: the large (negative) terminal in the large chan-
nel and the small (positive) terminal in the small channel.
Operation with a full charged, heavy-duty, 8.4-volt nickel-
cadmium rechargeable battery is also permissible.
Do not use a “conventional” g-volt-sized
nickel-cadmium battery; its 7.2-volt output will operate
the transmitter for about 15 minutes. Carbon-zinc bat-
teries will also result in diminished operating life (about
1 hour).
Microphone Connections
The Shure WL83 lavalier condenser microphone or
similar microphones with identical wiring and a Switch-
craft TA4F type connector can be plugged directly into
the transmitter microphone jack. The WL83 will operate
using the transmitter’s reg5 Vdc available on
pin 2 (see Figure 2). Self-powered (battery) condenser
microphones can be used with the transmitter
they can be operated in an
mode (one side
g r o u n d e d ) . O t h e r n o n - s e l f - p o w e r e d c o n d e n s e r
m i c r o p h o n e s m a y r e q u i r e s p e c i a l w i r i n g ; c o n t a c t
Shure’s Service Department for further information.
Phantom-powered condenser microphones will not
operate with the W10BT.
A h i g h - o r l o w - i m p e d a n c e d y n a m i c o r r i b b o n
microphone with pin 2 output can be directly connected
to the transmitter using the supplied WA310 microphone
adapter cable. The cable has a 3-socket XLR connector