3. hook a brother up
(pairing different devices)
first things first, make sure you are in Bluetooth source;
using the
“stby/source” button
. The blinky light thingy will
be flashing. when you are connected, the light will stop
flashing. make sure your device and your shoX gold are
within 1 metre of each other
iphones & ipads
• go to general -> Bluetooth & gracefully swipe it to the
“on” position
• shoX gold will become discoverable, touch to connect
• is the blinky light thingy glowing a solid blue? it is?
by george! i think you’ve got it
other cellphones & tablets
• turn your bluetooth on and search for “shoX gold”
• if you’re prompted for a password, enter “0000”
• check your Bluetooth device list & connect with your
shoX gold
• when the blinky light thingy glows blue, sit back like a
pc or notebooks*
• activate your Bluetooth connectivity and “search new
• once shoX gold has become discoverable, click on it to
• if a password is required, enter “0000”
• is the blinky light thingy glowing blue? it is? sweet
* may not work with all pc’s and notebooks. connection
depends on chip sets & Bluetooth drivers installed
• turn your Bluetooth on and scroll down to “set up
Bluetooth device”
• click on “shoX gold” and continue
• if you’re asked for a password, use the always famous
password of “0000”
5. play your tunes from your device
(using the usb port)
so you want to play your tunes direct from your device do
ya? well just plug your usb into the usb port and the shoX
gold will automatically switch to usb mode. once you see
the blinky light thingy glow orange, you’re all good to go.
6. power up
(charging your shoX gold)
your shoX gold’s blinky light thingy will flash red when you
have low battery. take your power cable and plug it into
the ac power socket at the back of your shoX gold and
plug the other end of it into a wall socket. the blinky light
thingy will glow red while charging. don’t be alarmed when
the light stops glowing, it’s supposed to do that when fully
7. juice it up
(charging your mobile phone)
phone battery getting low? turn that frown upside down!
just plug one end of your usb cable into the shoX gold’s
port at the back and the other into your phone… instant
juice up time!
right, that’s it from me… if you need anything else, you
know where to find me (i hope)
• now open system preferences and click “sound”
• click the output tab and select shoX gold
• click the input tab and select shoX gold
• when the blinky light thingy turns blue it’s time for an air
once you have successfully paired a device, shoX
gold’s intuitive machine brain will remember this device
and you won’t have to pair the device again, nifty. to pair
your shoX gold with another device, turn off the Bluetooth
on your current device and begin the pairing process with
the new device
4. get wired
(using the 3.5mm aux cable)
to link a device using the 3.5mm auxiliary cable just switch
your shoX gold on, wait until the blinky light thingy flashes
blue, then click the “stby/source” button once and it will glow
green. now plug your device into the aux cable and the aux
cable into your shoX gold and you’re golden.
use with:
user manual
s e r i e s