Ending a round
After playing the 18th hole you will
automatically be asked if you want
to end the round. Press the top right
the round. If you don’t want to end the
round press the bottom right button
until you see the ‘Continue’ option
and then press the top right button
end a round at any point by pressing
the menu button top left and then
scrolling through the options until
you reach the ‘End Round’ option. If
the round will end and you will return
back to the home screen.
End round
Step 4:
During Play (cont)
How to access last shot in GPS mode
When standing on the tee or beside your ball before hitting a shot,
unlock the screen and press the menu button (top left) then press
start (top right button). As you walk towards your ball, the number
shown on the screen will increase. Should you wish, repeat this
process every time you hit a shot.
Play back 9
If you are playing a 9 hole course but playing another 9
holes. Keep pressing the bottom right button on the end
round screen until you see the ‘Play Back 9?’ Then press