New CaNopy Light
Enhance the safety and security of your waterfront experience with our new
high quality LED Canopy Light. The long life, waterproof LED light uses safe
DC power and produces a natural white light as bright as a 40-60 watt bulb.
Operate the light with a push of a button on the wireless remote or keypad
control of any ShoreStation Hydraulic or Direct Drive Boat Lift.
New wireLess remote system
for hydrauLiC Lifts
Convenient fingertip control from your boat or dock.
The system comes standard with two remotes and a handy Touchpad
Controller which allows operation without the remote and includes some
unique features of its own. The Security Lockout feature allows the user to
lock and unlock the system, preventing unauthorized operation and theft. The
popular Auto-Up feature allows the user to press one button to raise the boat
and automatically stop it at the top position. See page 6 for more information.
New soLar Battery ChargiNg system ha0110
ShoreStation unplugged - run your ShoreStation lift on clean, free solar power!
This solar panel charger is designed specifically for ShoreStation 12-volt DC powered boat lifts.
It features a unique swing arm with dual axis adjustment which allows fine-tune adjustments
for optimal charging. The speedy 20 watt charger recharges your battery much faster than the
ordinary 10 watt models. A solar regulator prevents battery drain and protects your battery
from the permanent damage caused by overcharging.
Get the most out of your waterfront with these hot new models and accessories...
Whats New?
New direCt drive
This new, fully-integrated system is available on models
with capacities up to 6,000 pounds. It features all components protected
in a weather-resistant, maintenance-free winch case. Raising and lowering
your boat has never been faster or easier. See page 8 for details.
Models and specifications subject to change. Visit shorestation.com for the latest updates. Some models are shown with optional equipment.