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Section 6: Questions & Answers
How do I know if the table is securely locked?
• When rotating the table, you will hear a “click” when the table is securely locked.
What do I do if when I'm lifting the table, the actuator shakes?
• When first lifting the table the actuator may mildly shake. Be sure to firmly engage the switch/foot pedal/remote
lifting to reduce this.
Section 7: Blue-Line Polyurethane Edge Care & Cleaning
{Appearance & Life of the Polyurethane Edge}
Polyurethane moldcast edges are generally stain resistant to most compounds or staining agents found in the office,
food and health care industries.
Routine maintenance will ensure quality and life of your long-term investment and protect animals from
transmittable disease and infection.
To safeguard your investment and rights to the Shor-Line’s Warranty, it is important that you
know factors that degrade the polyurethane edging. Permanent damage to the edge due to corrosion, pitting or
discoloration can occur from:
• Bacteriostatic agents such as Iodine and Betadine have the greatest staining potential and care should be exercised
to avoid exposing the edging to these.
• Harsh cleaners with abrasive additives (such as high concentrations of Bleach) have the potential to corrode or
discolor the edging.
• Sharp metal objects, sandpaper or hard bristle brushes can cause pitting in the edging if used to try to remove
{Polyurethane Edge Care & Cleaning Best Practices}
You play an essential role in safeguarding your investment and rights to Shor-Line’s Warranty. We
strongly recommend the following best practices to help maintain the appearance of the polyurethane edging:
• Ordinary soiled edges caused by normal use can be cleaned with a damp cloth or sponge and Clorox
Cleaner with Bleach or Formula 409
• For stains, if a scrub brush is used, make sure it is a soft bristle type to prevent scratching.
• Successive cleanings may be required using a soft bristle brush and 70% Isopropyl Alcohol.
• Make sure all surfaces are rinsed properly.
• Follow intructions for use on all cleaning products used.
Section 8: Stainless Steel Care & Cleaning
{Quality & Life of Your Product}
Routine maintenance will ensure quality and life of your long-term investment and protect animals from
transmittable disease and infection
To safeguard your investment and rights to the Shor-Line's Warranty, it is important that you know
factors that degrade stainless steel. Corrosion, pitting, and discoloration can occur if:
• Bleach, deodorizing agents, disinfectants, and sanitizers (chlorides, bromides, iodides and thiocyanates) stand
wet on your product for a prolonged period (over two minutes).
• Bleach, deodorizing agents, disinfectants, and sanitizers are used frequently without being neutralized with clean
water after each application.
• Acidic urine is not removed rapidly and surfaces are not washed thoroughly.
• Animal hair, holding urine and fluids, is allowed to collect around legs, hinges, casters, and welded wire
• Solutions like liquid bleach and antibacterials are allowed to evaporate and dry on surfaces.
• Particles from steel wool, metal fiber brushes, or metal scrapers (which are never recommended for cleaning
stainless) get embedded in your product’s surface, rust, and give the false impression that the stainless steel is