Safety Advice
Read this manual carefully before using your scooter
Turn the power off when transferring to and from the scooter
Select a slow speed when going down gradients (max 8°) or over
uneven ground
Keep your feet on the scooter whilst driving
Ensure the seat is in a fixed position facing forwards before driving
Ensure the tiller is not in the ‘locked’ position
Ensure the batteries are fully charged before your journey
Avoid rough or soft terrain and long grass wherever possible
Be aware of other road users and pedestrians
Turn the power off when not in use
Follow the maintenance guide to ensure safe operation of the scooter
Always remove the keys if leaving the scooter unattended.
Unauthorised persons/children may use the scooter resulting in injury.
Exceed inclines over 8°
Attempt inclines if the surface is slippery
Turn sharply at full speed
Exit or enter the scooter unless the power is switched off
Switch off the power whilst driving – this will cause the scooter to stop
abruptly (see emergency procedures – page 17)
Use the scooter where you cannot safely or legally walk
Attempt to climb kerbs except drop down kerbs.
Use the scooter if under the influence of alcohol or any medication
Use a mobile phone whilst driving
Attempt to negotiate steps or escalators
Sit on the scooter if being transported in a vehicle
Attempt to tow any other devices
Exceed the stated weight limit
Connect any other devices to the batteries as this could cause
permanent damage and void your warranty
Use any other batteries/charger other than those supplied by
Travel through water or over soft terrain (mud, sand etc.) Avoid
Travel on the road except when crossing between pavements
Lift the scooter by the shroud assembly or any plastic part
Sharply shift your centre of gravity as this could make the scooter
Every care has been taken to ensure that your scooter will give you safe,
reliable service provided you adhere to the advice given above.