SHOPRJOER® scooters itS with all electric braked scooters may be susceptible to electromagnetic im:erlerence {EMI). which
is a kmd of interfering elea.romagnedc
(EM) emitted
sources suc.h·as ndro stations, 1V staoons. amateur radio
(HAM} tnnsmm:ers, r,,,,o-way radio, and ceJlufa.r phones
The interlerence (from radio wave sources) can cause the scooter
to release iu brakes. move by itself. or mOYe in un.lm:encled directions. (Forward
Reverse) It can also permanently damage
the scooter's control system but this would likely be at levels exceeding the Australian standard,
The intensity of the interfering EM I enerv can be measured in volts per meter
/t"Q. Each SHO-PRID ER@ Kooter can resist
up to a certain uitensity. This ts calted "'immunity level
the higher the 1mmuruty the gr-eater the protection. At th.ts time
current teehnok,gy is capable of achieving 20V/M lmmunity�lwhich will provide useful proteetion from the rnc>n?common
sources of radiated EMI.
The sources of racfcated EMI can be broadly da.ssif,ed fflrothre-e cypes:
Hand-held portable transceivers (u-ansmnters-receivers) with the antenna mounted directly on the uammming uniL
Examp+es w,dude: citizens band (CB) radios, "walkie talkie", securny, flf'e and police cransceivers, cellular relephones,
and Olher personal communication devices..
NOTE! Some c.eUular telephones and simUar- de.vices transmit signals while they are ON, even when not
Medium-ranp mobile tranKeiYers. such as those used in police cars. tve trucks. ambulances. and taxis. These usua!ly
have thea.ntenna mounted on the outside of the vehicle.
long-range transmitters and transceivers, such as convnercial broadcast transminers (radio and TV broadcast antenna
rowers) and amateur (HAM) radios..
NOTE! Other types of hand-Mid devices, such as cord.1-ess phones. laptop computers, AM/FM radtoS,
TV sets. CD playen, and casse.tte players, and small appliances, such ase.le.ctric shavers and hair dryers, so
far as we know, are not likely to cause problems to the scooter.
Scooter £1eccromagnetic lnterf.erence (EHi}
Because 91
rapidly becomts more intense as ooe fflQl,/es closer to the cransmitting antenna (source), the EM flefds from
harw:t-hekl radt0 sources (u.nsceivers) are of spechl cone em. It Is possible to unirnention.atly bring high levels of EM energy ..,ery
dose to the.scooter's control S)"Slefl'I while using these deYices.. This can affect scooter-movement a.nd bn:king. There.fore., the
warnings listed below are recommended to prevent possible irnerferencewa:h the control system of the scooter.
Do not operate lund-fle:ld transceivers (transmitters-receiven), such as dtiz.ens band (CB) radios, or wrn ON
person.a! convnuniation de-vKeS, such as ceflular phones, whiJe the scooter isa.imed
Se a.wareoi nearby transmitters, sucha.sndio or TV stations, and uyto a'V01dcomrigdose to them.
If uruntendec:I movement
brake release occun.. a.imthe scooter OFF as soon as 1tissafe
Be aware that adding accessoriesorcomponems.. or modifying the scooter may m.ake Jt more susce.pdble.
Report all inc:ide.nts of unintended movement or braking to your Shoprider® P"OVlder. and no'te whether the.re
are sources of EHi nearby. If your sc.ooter does unexpectedty stop then tum the key off, Walt fOf' a f� seconds
and curn thekeyba:ckon.
WARNING: Shoprider® Mobility
re.spontible for damage or injury incurred
due to
improper and
unsafe we of our .scoote<,