Desktop MAX Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) User Manual SBG00358
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page 17
Change Tools (C1)
Insert bit into conical tool holder and place it in the desired tool holder location. Type C1 to run the custom
number 1 “Change Tools” routine. A screen will ask which tool should be selected. Once that tool is entered,
click “OK” and the ATC will drop off the current tool being held and select the desired tool. If there is currently
a tool in the spindle be sure that there is an empty tool clip in the correct location to receive it.
To check what tool the software thinks is in the spindle head, open
Look at line #3, &ToolIn= (Current tool) will show the tool last changed to.
Zero Tools in Rack (CN72) (Daily Operation)
This step will zero each tool in the rack to ensure that bits of different lengths will all cut to the same depth. It
is good practice to run this full routine (for all bits) at the beginning of each work period. If a new bit is added
to the rack (or an existing bit is replaced), use this routine to calibrate it to the other bits in the rack.
Ensure that there is no tool holder in the spindle. Run the homing routine (C3). A screen will open confirming
that tool #0 (empty spindle) is correct.
Press “OK” to dismiss this prompt after confirming the spindle is
Type “CN72” (custom number 72), to run the ATC zero tools in rack file.
Enter the number of the bit to measure
and then click “OK”. The tool will move to the fixed z-zero plate and
plunge until it makes contact with the plate)
If more bits need to be zeroed, answer “YES”. If not, then type “N”. Click “OK” to continue.