Operation Manual Shodex RSpak KC-811 and KC-811 6E
Version 2020
12. Warranty (Version 3)
1) Showa Denko K.K. warrants that the Shodex
Column, at the time of delivery to the user, will
conform to the specification of the attached Certificate of Analysis, if the Shodex Column is used in
accordance with the attached operating manual. The foregoing warranty is exclusive and is in lieu of
all other warranties with respect to the Shodex Column, whether written, oral, implied, statutory or
otherwise. No warranties by Showa Denko K.K. are implied or otherwise created, including, but not
limited to, the warranty of merchantability and fitness for particular purposes.
2) Any claim of inconformity to the specification must be notified to Showa Denko K.K. within ten (10)
days after delivery to the user. User’s exclusive remedy and Showa Denko K.K.‘s exclusive liability for
such claim are limited to the replacement of the Shodex Column in question. In no event is Showa
Denko K.K. liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential damage arising out of in connection with
the Shodex Column, whether or not such damage is allegedly based on breach of warranty, negligence
or otherwise.
3) No warranty is made in any of the following cases:
3-1) If the Shodex Column is not used in accordance with the operating manual
3-2) If the Shodex Column is remodelled by anyone other than person or firm designated by
Showa Denko K.K.
3-3) If the Shodex Column is disposed of
3-4) If the Shodex Column is resold by the user without giving prior written notice to Showa
Denko K.K.
3-5) If the performance of the Shodex Column is not conform to the specification of the
attached Certificate of Analysis due to any of the reasons below:
a) Computer virus
b) Impurities contained in the sample, reagent, gas air or cooling water provided by
the user
c) Breakdown or malfunction of equipment, apparatus or component used in
combination with the Shodex Column
d) Force majeure such as fire, earthquake, flood, other natural disaster, crime, riot, act
of terrorism, war or radioactive contamination
4) In no event is Showa Denko K.K. liable for
4-1) the results of analyses or preparations using the Shodex Column or any portion of the
same, including, but not limited to, the reliability, accuracy, efficacy and safety of said results,
4-2) the occupational hazard in the use of the Shodex Column, whether or not such use is made
in accordance with the attached Conditions for use.
5) The Shodex Column is for laboratory use only. It must not be used for clinical diagnosis. Showa
Denko K.K. is not liable for any use of the Shodex Column except laboratory use.