WarNiNg: WeT WeaTher imPairs TracTioN, brakiNg
aNd visibiliTy, boTh for The bicyclisT aNd for oTher
vehicles shariNg The road. The risk of aN accideNT is
dramaTically iNcreased iN WeT coNdiTioNs.
Under wet conditions, the stopping power of your brakes (as well as the brakes of other
vehicles sharing the road) is dramatically reduced and your tires don’t grip nearly as
well. This makes it harder to control speed and easier to lose control. To make sure that
you can slow down and stop safely in wet conditions, ride more slowly and apply your
brakes earlier and more gradually than you would under normal, dry conditions. See
also Section 4.B.
Riding a bicycle at night is
more dangerous than riding during the day. A bicyclist
is very difficult for motorists and pedestrians to see. Therefore, children should never
ride at dawn, at dusk or at night. Adults who choose to accept the greatly increased risk
of riding at dawn, at dusk or at night need to take extra care both riding and choosing
specialized equipment which helps reduce that risk. Consult a professional bicycle shop
about night riding safety equipment.
WarNiNg: reflecTors are NoT a sUbsTiTUTe for
reqUired lighTs. ridiNg aT daWN, aT dUsk, aT NighT or
aT oTher Times of Poor visibiliTy WiThoUT aN adeqUaTe
bicycle lighTiNg sysTem aNd WiThoUT reflecTors is
daNgeroUs aNd may resUlT iN serioUs iNjUry or deaTh.
Bicycle reflectors are designed to pick up and reflect car lights and street lights in a way
that may help you to be seen and recognized as a moving bicyclist.
caUTioN: check reflecTors aNd Their moUNTiNg
brackeTs regUlarly To make sUre ThaT They are cleaN,
sTraighT, UNbrokeN aNd secUrely moUNTed. rePlace
damaged reflecTors aNd sTraighTeN or TighTeN aNy
ThaT are beNT or loose.
WarNiNg: do NoT remove The froNT or rear
reflecTors or reflecTor brackeTs from yoUr
bicycle. They are aN iNTegral ParT of The bicycle’s
safeTy sysTem.
WarNiNg: removiNg The reflecTors redUces yoUr
visibiliTy To oThers UsiNg The roadWay. beiNg sTrUck
by oTher vehicles may resUlT iN serioUs iNjUry or
deaTh. The reflecTor brackeTs may ProTecT yoU from
a brake sTraddle cable caTchiNg oN The Tire iN The
eveNT of brake cable failUre. if a brake sTraddle
cable caTches oN The Tire, iT caN caUse The Wheel To
sToP sUddeNly, caUsiNg yoU To lose coNTrol aNd fall.
If you choose to ride under conditions of poor visibility, check and be sure you comply
with all local laws about night riding, and take the following strongly recommended
additional precautions: Purchase and install battery or generator powered head and tail
lights which meet all regulatory requirements and provide adequate visibility.
• Wear light colored, reflective clothing and accessories, such as a reflective vest, re-
flective arm and leg bands, reflective stripes on your helmet, flashing lights attached
to your body and/or your bicycle. Any reflective device or light source that moves will
help you get the attention of approaching motorists, pedestrians and other traffic.
• Make sure your clothing or anything you may be carrying on the bicycle does not
obstruct a reflector or light.
• Make sure that your bicycle is equipped with correctly positioned and securely
mounted reflectors.
While riding at dawn, at dusk or at night:
• Ride slowly.
• Avoid dark areas and areas of heavy or fast-moving traffic.
• Avoid road hazards.
• If possible, ride on familiar routes.
If riding in traffic:
• Be predictable. Ride so that drivers can see you and predict your movements.
• Be alert. Ride defensively and expect the unexpected.
• If you plan to ride in traffic often, ask a professional bicycle shop about traffic
safety classes or a good book on bicycle traffic safety.
If you engage in extreme, aggressive riding
get hurt,
and you voluntarily assume
a greatly increased risk of injury or death. SHINOLA bicycles are not designed for this
type of riding.
WarNiNg: alThoUgh maNy caTalogs, adverTisemeNTs
aNd arTicles aboUT bicycliNg dePicT riders eNgaged
iN exTreme ridiNg, This acTiviTy is exTremely
daNgeroUs, iNcreases yoUr risk of iNjUry or deaTh,
aNd iNcreases The severiTy of aNy iNjUry. remember
ThaT The acTioN dePicTed is beiNg Performed by
ProfessioNals WiTh maNy years of TraiNiNg aNd
exPerieNce. kNoW yoUr limiTs aNd alWays Wear a
helmeT aNd oTher aPProPriaTe safeTy gear. eveN WiTh
sTaTe-of-The-arT ProTecTive safeTy gear, yoU coUld
be serioUsly iNjUred or killed WheN jUmPiNg, sTUNT
ridiNg, ridiNg doWNhill aT sPeed or iN comPeTiTioN.
UlTimaTely, avoidiNg iNjUry is yoUr resPoNsibiliTy.
WarNiNg: bicycles aNd bicycle ParTs have limiTaTioNs
WiTh regard To sTreNgTh aNd iNTegriTy, aNd This TyPe
of ridiNg caN exceed Those limiTaTioNs.
G. cHAnGInG coMponEnTs or ADDInG AccEssorIEs
There are many components and accessories available to enhance the comfort,
performance and appearance of your bicycle. However, if you change components or
add accessories which are not SHINOLA branded, you do so at your own risk.
SHINOLA may not have tested that component or accessory for compatibility, reliability
or safety on your bicycle. Before installing any component or accessory, including a
different size tire, make sure that it is compatible with your bicycle by checking with a
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