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Environment Data Dashboard: contains a list of all
the environment data including Air Quality Data,
Environment Data, and Location Coordinates data
and so on.
Data Monitoring: the page displays two selected
data to monitor with progress bar charts. The charts
can be configured with selected data, color, text
size and other parameters.
Location Coordinates: display the latitudes and
longitudes of the user current location and the map
accordingly. The location coordinates can be
configured for sending alarm.
Data History Chart: Display selected data history
chart and the data can be saved in a file which can
be configured for specific formats.
Emergency Alarm: Send quick alarm message in
emergency situation. The default information sent
with the alarm message includes location
coordinates and other pre-configured parameters.
The message can be sent through LoRaWAN
communication channel, Bluetooth channel, WIFI
channel, based on the configuration.