29 Slotted cheese-
head screw
28 Oring
27 Rear seat cover
26 Oring
25 Closed-end terminal
24 Capacitor
23 Lower bearing block
23 Motor Bracket
22 Stator core with
21 Deep groove ball
20 Rotor
19 Deep groove ball
18 Locating sleeve
17 Cross-recessed
countersunk head screw
16 Oil chamber
15 Mechanical seal
14 Oring
13 Oil chamber cover
12 Cross-recessed
lentil-headed screw
11 Mechanical seal
10 Sand prevention cushion
9 Shaft circlip
8 Round-hole rubber jacket
7 Cable packing washer
6 Threaded gland for the cable
5 Hexagon socket set screws
with flat point
4 Spring washer
3 1-type hex nut
2 Cross recessed countersunk
head screw
Motor Part of QJD Series
1 Pump spindle shaft