Shield Fire, Safety and Security Ltd
Install this product in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 72 and NEC 70 and all local codes.
Short Circuit Isolator Modules protect SLC loop devices from single-loop-shorts. SLC loops must be wired with Short Circuit Isolator Modules to comply
with NFPA 72, Class A Style 7. SLC loop connections must include closed nippling and conduit nippling to maintain compliance with individual
enclosures under NFPA 72, Class A, Style 7 requirements. Closed nippling encloses individual devices on SLC loops and conduit nippling encloses
wiring between these individual enclosures. For Class A, Style 6 compliance, the Short Circuit Isolator Modules may be located at strategic locations
based on the discretion of the designer or installer.
The NFPA requires that two dedicated and independent TELCO lines feed communication features such as the Integrated Dialer.
Install SLC detectors with spacing as specified in section 90.19 of UL 864, 9th edition where units employing the multiple detector operation shall include
guidelines for installing of a minimum of two detectors in each protected space and to reduce the detector installation spacing to 0.7 times the linear
spacing in accordance with National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72. Also reference 55.3.1 and 55.3.2 of UL 864, 9th edition for these detector spacing
All field wiring should be installed using fire rated cables according to the NFPA 72. Riser conductors shall be installed in accordance with the
survivability from attack by fire requirements in National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72, Sections, and 6.9.4. Riser conductors shall employ either a 2
hour rated cable system, or meet requirements approved by the AHJ, or installation of the Supervised Output Module using NFPA Style 7 configuration.”
FM Global Technologies LLC (FM APPROVALS)
Shield Fire, Safety and Security Ltd
Shield Fire, Safety and Security Ltd.
Shield Omega - X Panel Installation Manual
SH3514-00, Revision E03.04
Issue Date: 1 April 2014