Orange Pi Manual Copy right by Shenzhen Xunlong Software Co., Ltd
1. Use find directory to search to location of the following file, load modules in the
specified order.
insmod videobuf-core.ko
insmod videobuf-dma-contig.ko
insmod uvcvideo.ko
insmod cci.ko
insmod vfe_os.ko
insmod vfe_subdev.ko
insmod gc2035.ko
insmod vfe_v4l2.ko
After loaded, there should be a video0 in
Bottom driver installed, Android can be used directly.
2. You could write a test program for Linux by yourself.
Specific steps to configure the network
Method 1:
1. Enter the following on the directory line:
$ ifconfig
To check whether there is
Network card
If no, load the corresponding module of the Network card model
$ insmod 8189*.ko
For example: RTL8189ftv is corresponding 8189fs.ko, RTL8189etv
corresponding 8189es.ko
3. Enter the directory ifconfig, you should find there is wlan0(assume that is