Shenzhen Optostar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
A-14,Haide Building, Nanxin Road Nanshan District,Shenzhen,P.R.China
Email:[email protected] 0086-755-26400198/0086-0755-26400288 Fax:0086-755-26411001
OP-OR124RJ Four-way Return Path Optical Receiver
6.3 The setting menu of
the second way return module
Displayed parameters
Optical Power 2
The input optical power of
the second way return module
RF OutPut Level 2
51.0 dBuv
The output level of the
second way return module
SetRF OutPut Mode 2
Set the RF output mode of the
second way return module
Two modes optional:
Normal: common mode;
RFOG: burst mode.
Set the ATT mode of the
second way return module
Two modes optional:
AGC: turn on the optical AGC mode;
MGC: turn off the optical AGC mode, manual
This menu is hidden under the RFOG mode.
Set RF OutPut SW 2
Set the RF output switch of
the second way return module
ON: turn on; OFF: turn off
This menu is hidden under the RFOG mode.
Set ATT 2
0 dB
Set the ATT value of the
second way return module
Normal mode: the maximum adjustable range is
MGC--30dB, AGC--10dB;
RFOG mode: the default adjustable range is 20dB,
the maximum adjustable range is 30dB.
Set Channel 2 Num
Set the channel number of the
second way return module
The maximum channel number is 200;
This menu is hidden under the RFOG mode.